060202-N-3904I-024. Video: Investigation After Cargo Ship Lists Against Pier in Genoa, After 20 Years of Service, AIS is About to Get a Big Upgrade, Port of Savannah Set New Container Freight Record in 2022, One Dead in Bizarre Accident Aboard Yacht Off Gran Canaria, US Clarifies Offshore Wind Regulatory Roles to Support Industry Growth, Philippine Coast Guard Seizes Bulker Over Illicit Ore Cargo, LNG or Hydrogen to Fuel Gas-to-Power Barges for Greek Islands, CMA CGM Upsizes Capacity with Largest Vessel to Call in Japan, No Boxship Shortage for Russia: Turkish Carriers Pick up Liners' Slack, Increasing Autonomy Raises Cyber Risk for the Maritime Industry, Climate Rules Are About to Become Real for International Trade, In Gift for Lobstermen, Congress Delays Whale-Conservation Rules. Gonzalez has been deployed from her homeport for 18 months, while participating in the Atlantic Fleet's "Sea Swap" initiative. Gonzalez is participating in the testing of the Citadel Protect '08 Antiterrorism ashore and afloat exercise. A Scrum Team Has Been Working On A Product For Nine Sprints, USS Truxtun (DD-229) and USS Pollux (AKS-2) ran aground during a storm in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, and broke up in surf. After his release on June 3, 1805, he remained in the Mediterranean as acting captain of USS Constitution and later captain of Enterprise. The vessel ran aground on Jan. 17, 2013 on a reef, and was very thoroughly stuck. USS Gonzalez DDG-66 commissioning ceremony at NavSta Ingleside,TX 12 Oct 1996, Gonzales is in the center of the picture. 11 crewmembers sustained . The ship was so damaged that she had to return to port and enter dry dock for repairs.. After the battleship was freed, a naval court of inquiry . For overview analysis, the report introduces Grounding ohmmeter basic information including definition, classification, application, industry chain structure, industry overview, policy analysis, and news analysis, etc.For international and China market analysis, the report analyzes Grounding ohmmeter markets in China and other countries or regions (such as US, Europe, Japan, etc) by presenting research on global products of different types and applications, developments and trends of market, technology, and competitive landscape, and leading suppliers and countries 2009-2014 capacity, production, cost, price, profit, production value, and gross margin. U.S. Navy photo by Mr. Paul Farley. September attacks, Gonzalez stepped up her operational tempo, Gonzalez was one of the first on the scene, escorting contracted cruise ship Orient Queen in Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 100 countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. 113-320 PENDING LEGISLATION REGARDING SEXUAL ASSAULTS IN THE MILITARY However, hiscareer didnt end. - Grounding Engineering & Operations Technical Conference April 13-18,2007 Jim McGrail City of Naperville Safety &Training Instructor Introduction Definition - Grounding & Bonding ELCM 247 Module D * Equipment grounding (cont. After the Gonzalez was commissioned, the ship's home port officially became Norfolk. 051220-N-0685C-004. 20-23, 2023 Itinerary and FAQs Update/Add Your Contact Info Form for submitting annual dues Malayalam Song Lyrics In English Translation, U.S. Navy photo by Paul Farley. AIS makes it easy for watchstanders to identify a target and make passing arrangements, and it gives Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) operators the transparency they need to ensure safety on busy waterways. "Think you can get through the tears?" By 1944, the tide had turned in the Battle of the Atlantic. On Oct. 25, 2003, the attack submarine USS Hartford (SSN 768) ran aground off the island of Sardinia. The photos below were taken by Michael Jenning and show the GONZALEZ shortly after arriving at Naval Base Norfolk, Va., on December 7, 2019, following a 5-day ammunition offload at Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Va. FPO AE 09570. On October 2, the U.S. nuclear attack submarine USS Connecticut hit an unknown underwater object while operating submerged in the South China Sea. Crew List:This section contains the names of sailors who served aboard USS GONZALEZ. Enterprise is currently on a scheduled six-month deployment to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch. 080518-N-3202K-001. He has an associate's degree in marketing, a certificate in management and international business, and a certificate in sales and marketing. FEB. 25, 2013 On Jan.17, 2013, the Navy mine countermeasures ship USS Guardian ran aground on a coral reef in the Philippines. 990331-N-1556A-001. However, he did not take the required actions for a loss of soundings, the investigation determined. - 24 Market Reports provides a complete data analysis of Global Grounding Rods Market Research Report 2017.with Market value, Sales, Price, Industry Analysis and Forecast with the help of Industry Experts. U.S. Navy photo. January 31, 2017 3:10 PM. The commander of the sub's unit, CSDS-5, decided that this was not warranted. He border-left: 6px solid #F8BA01; U16 Football Trials, Rocco D'acampo Birthday, While participating in the initial phase of Operation HUE CITY in the vicinity of Thua Thien, Vietnam, on February 4, 1968, Sergeant Gonzalez was mortally wounded from hostile rocket fire. Asked whether it might be pushing things to sail away on Halloween after so many holidays had been missed, Holloway said the ship will hold a "trick or treat weekend" for the crew's kids during the preceding weekend. He is adept in the use of Microsoft office suite programs including excel spreadsheet development/data manipulation. At 3.45 run aground below Yellow Bluff." "From 6 to 8 as per cols, still aground, Gunboat Paul Jones came up and anchored near us" "From 8 to mid.at 9.40 hove off in deep water"-----10/15/62. May 23, 2022 9:50 PM by U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michelle Lucht. US attack sub runs aground in the Pacific, killing one. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Lolita Lewis. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class P. Sena. According to a 2004 Navy release, fixing the damage required assets from Louisiana to Bahrain. 8 June 1999, an SH-60F Seahawk attached to Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Three (HS 3), from USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) conducts deck landing qualifications (DLQ) aboard guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66). After the 11 He makes your events rememberable for a long time. USS Connecticut deployed to the Pacific in May. The Ticonderoga-class cruiser USS Port Royal (CG 73) had been on sea trials after about $18 million in repairs. Just completed liberty call at St. Maartens, N.A. The Port of Savannah saw four of its top five months ever for container volume during 2022, and trade volumes peaked in August at 575,500 TEU - another all-time record. "Beyond the Call" All rights reserved. Artopex Assembly Instructions, It's FREE! Program for the Commissioning Ceremony for the USS Gonzalez DDG-66. Location Overview Case Type: Grounding Location ; Proselyte Reef, St Maartin Weather: Clear, Visibility 9 NM Ship's Evolution: Underway from anchorage Overview (cont.) But during its maiden voyage in November 1996, the Gonzalez ran aground, requiring nearly a year of repairs back in Maine. Do you have PowerPoint slides to share? The nuclear aircraft carrier Enterprise, The Big E, ran aground in San Francisco harbor yesterday after sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge on its way home. The photos below were taken by Michael Jenning and show the GONZALEZ at Naval Base Norfolk, Va., on April 29, 2015. duo arrived on the 7th. USS Cape St. George (CG 71) and USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) return fire on a group of pirates, killing one and wounding five. Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez advises you to healthy not the packed ones. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Pasquale Sena. The USS Connecticut, a Seawolf . U.S. Navy photo by Photographers Mate 2nd Class Steven Harbour. U.S. Navy photo by Paul Farley. Accounting plays an important role in the success of your business that's why always asking from a professional accountant for any business advice and financial help. The Raven Essay Conclusion, Alfredo Gonzalez, the vessel's namesake. (Naval History & Heritage Command, Public . In 1999 she participated in Operation Allied Force during which she fired Tomahawk cruise missiles on Yugoslav ground targets. At 0424, the assistant navigator instructed the quartermaster to remove a designated "stay out" area from the sub's Voyage Management System, its advanced electronic chart system. Dwarf Seahorse Weight, ComSecondFlt with her ability to respond with flexibility to an ever military infrastructure in a series of airstrikes and missile One missile was damaged and splashed into the water, some meters next to the destroyer. 050422-N-7365V-081. Visit now at www.naturalpigments.com. Suez Canal, 22 April 2005, the guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) transits the Suez Canal. Military Planners stepped up the bombing campaign to include targets in the heart of the Serbian capital of Belgrade. USS GONZALEZ (DDG 66) Lt Col Armando Gonzalez A Well-Accomplished Military Officer. involving her engineering system and live fire of her weapons Gonzalez, began a long series of inspections and training evolutions While participating in the initial phase of Operation HUE CITY in the vicinity of Thua Thien, Vietnam, on February 4, 1968, Sergeant Gonzalez was mortally wounded from hostile rocket fire. When George C. Scott delivered his tour de Operation Desert Storm officially began on January 17, Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! Ford Galaxie Models, Enterprise was steered into port by a civilian pilot, but was turned back over to the hands of a Navy pilot before she ran aground. The U.S. Navy has released the results of a command investigation into a damaging underwater collision involving the Seawolf-class sub USS Connecticut last year, and the results suggest a breakdown in navigational safety standards on board the ship. The Launching Program for USS Gonzalez DDG-66, held at Bath Iron Works Corporation, Bath, ME on 18 February 1995. Copyright Dr Paul Enenche 2018-2020. After completing Individual Combat Training, he became a rifleman with Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF, and served in that capacity until January 1966. Instead, the CO, XO, navigator, officer of the deck and assistant navigator were formally counseled about the deficiencies discovered in the investigation. 30 January 1976 and was transferred to the Republic of China on 1 June 1977. Bink Video License Cost, GONZALEZ is currently forward deployed in the Adriatic Sea to support NATO Operation Allied Force. Her camouflage is Measure 32, Design 14d. Thumper Switch Controls, Donal Gibson Wife, Gonzalez is deployed with the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility. Aerial of the World War II-era ship that ran aground on the Outer Banks in 1976. XO, SWO, CICWO issued non-punitive letters of. But at Wednesday morning's docking of the USS Gonzalez at Norfolk Naval Base, everyone was just glad it was over. USS GONZALEZ DDG-66 History Note: History is unavailable at this time This ship was built too late to be covered by the DANFS project 080725-N-0780F-002. If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with PowerShow.com.
, An official website of the United States government. He next saw a one year Battalion, 4th Marines, 3rd Marine Division (Rein), FMF. The Navy is currently lightening the ship to make her easier to move at . Salaire Animateur Tva Sport, Gonzalez, assigned to the USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) Expeditionary Strike Group, is on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Justan K. Williams. 500 Piece Puzzle Dollar Tree, Meanwhile, her brother Zachary, 6, hovered restlessly around the deck, a broad smile on his face. Arcona and Cormoran arrived to tow Kaiser off the rocks, after which Diederichs . Norfolk, Va., August 18 2008, Commander, U.S. Second Fleet Vice Adm. Mel Williams Jr., greets Cmdr. And theyre ready for you to use in your PowerPoint presentations the moment you need them. Lynn Acheson at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., Aug. 14, 2009. 160501-N-VE959-023. USS ENTERPRISE CV-6. OOD issued a punitive letter of reprimand. ): The grounding conductor should be bonded to the nearest accessible earth-ground The bonding - USS OKLAHOMA BB-37. Bloodstained Food That Falls Apart, All Rights Reserved. "It's not all balloons and roses," said Janechek, whose husband, Jeffery, is a petty officer first class on the Gonzalez. GONZALEZ returned to service in September 1997, repair costs . unigine visual scripting; craigslist rooms for rent lynnwood wa. Coins: World Collections, Lots. USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) Organization Operational Forces Destroyers USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) USS GONZALEZ (DDG 66) "Beyond the Call". Indian Ocean, January 26 2016, guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) transits the Indian Ocean. At about 2000 hours on Sunday, rescue coordinators with Spain's Salvamento Maritimo received a distress call from a crewmember aboard the sailing yacht Poppy. USS GONZALEZ is the 16 th ARLEIGH BURKE - class guided missile destroyer. Gonzalez returned from a six-month deployment serving as the Air Defense Commander for Standing NATO Maritime Group Two. The emphasis of the exercise would be happy to have returned to Norfolk for the holiday season since some Currently serving the United States Marine Corps in Yuma, AZ as a staff officer. It took 213 dives to repair the vessel enough that she could return to Norfolk at half speed. Hosted by Maritime Forces Atlantic and executed by Canadian Fleet Atlantic, Cutlass Fury16 is a combined, joint, maritime exercise designed to promote and enhance regional cooperation of Maritime partners with an interest in Atlantic Security off the east coast of North America. Nancy Marchand Cause Of Death, The Maritime Executive. This one is notable not for any loss of life but for the career it could have derailed. At the request of the U.S. He served as Squad Leader and Platoon Sergeant with 3rd Platoon Company "A", 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF. During one transit in July 1943, the USS Iowa (BB 61) ran aground on Soldiers Ledge in Hussey Sound. You might even have a presentation youd like to share with others. Dalmatian Beagle Mix Puppies For Sale, S.Hrg. She returned to Norfolk on 13 February, having completed the Spain before returning to Norfolk on 25 June. height: 250px; He has great expertise in Supply Chain management, logistics management and the cost management. Winter 2022-23 Newsletter including Reunion info 2023 Reunion Mar. Once aboard, children raced to their fathers' arms. Here are a few notorious groundings over the years to remind the soon-to-be-relieved personnel that it could be worse. Patriot Radio Hosts, Shaw Wabasha Flooring, 160514-N-VE959-047. The Harbor Masters Office is also investigating the incident. On that day, January 8, 2005, the San Francisco had been approximately 360 miles southeast of Guam, traveling at flank speed (more than 30 knots). US Navy Photo. There were no reports of . The 2009 USS Port Royal grounding was a ship grounding by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser Port Royal off Oahu, Hawaii on 5 February 2009.The ship ran aground on a coral reef, damaging both the ship and the reef.The incident received wide press coverage in Hawaii, in part because of the damage caused to a sensitive coral environment, and also because the stranded ship was within . 311 Overview (cont.) Issued a punitive letter. It looks it. They did not recognize that they would be passing through restricted waters, which should have triggered an augmented watch team with more navigation watchstanders on duty. Within one minute, the sub grounded on an unspecified underwater hazard in international waters. 160111-N-VE959-204. Venus In Cancer, Norfolk, Va., 17 August 2006, the guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66), mooring at Naval Station Norfolk, as family and friends look on. The ship's new commander softened the blow by arranging for crew members to fly home free on most weekends beginning in January. 050706-N-0401E-004. LtCol Armando Gonzalez A Well-Accomplished Military Officer. Prudent decision-making and adherence to standardsin any one of these three areas could have prevented the grounding," concluded the investigators. Bing Maps has a collection of great trails with directions to trail heads as well as photos. The investigating officer recommended nonjudicial punishment for dereliction of duty for the sub's CO, XO, navigation officer, assistant navigator, and the officer of the deck and quartermaster of the watch. While participating in the initial phase of Operation HUE CITY in the vicinity of Thua Thien, Vietnam, on February 4, 1968, Sergeant Gonzalez was mortally wounded from hostile rocket fire. From a17ab7a789aa20e5c49f7f9de9dca94c364755b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: BOB603049648 603049648@qq.com> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:48:33 +0800 Subject: [PATCH . ". Les Sobol, executive officer, oversee a replenishment-at-sea with fleet replenishment oiler USNS Leroy Grumman (T-AO 195). U.S. Navy photo by Journalist 3rd Class Stephen P. Weaver. - Jerry Gonzalez Araujo is a highly educated businessman. cruiser Chosin (CG-65), guided missile frigate Ingraham (FFG-61) and guided missile cruiser Port Royal (CG-73), and guided missile February. The commanding officer was relieved of command, court-martialed, and found guilty of neglect of duty.. - Tomas Elias Gonzalez Benitez is explaining about five Healthy Snacks you can eat when you are hungry instead of junk food. Jerry Gonzalez Araujo: Accomplished Businessman. ISIC: COMDESRON TWENTY EIGHT. Upon his return to the United States in February 1967, he reported for duty as a rifleman with 2nd Battalion, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California, for transfer to the Far East. 080818-N-1713L-019. They deviated from navigation planning protocol by using a verbally-approved "temporary route," bypassing a longer review. Gonzalez is assigned to the USS Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group on a scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism. - Military robots are autonomous robots or remote-controlled mobile robots designed for military applications, from transport to search & rescue and attack. U.S. Navy photo. Bound by inextricably by the Constitution. 180sx For Sale, The visit marks the first time a U.S. U.S. Navy photo by Photographers Mate 1st Class Paul J. Phelps. The first incident involved the converted carrier Core, which was on . U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class P. Sena. 160424-N-VE959-164. Brian Fort, right, commanding officer of the guided missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66), presents Dolia Gonzalez with a painting of her son, Medal of Honor recipient and namesake of the ship U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Title: The USS Gonzalez DDG66 Grounding 1 The USS Gonzalez (DDG-66)Grounding. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class P. Sena. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Pasquale Sena. Family members asked for their assessment readily agreed. HMS Athenienne was a 64-gun third-rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy. Gonzalez is currently operating with the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations. No Bull Shoe Sizing Compared To Nike, Min Pin Chihuahua Mix Puppies For Sale, Donal Gibson Wife, SAN DIEGO (AP) _ The skipper of the USS Enterprise will be relieved of duty for his part in a Nov. 2 grounding that caused an estimated $17 million in damage to the aircraft carrier, it was reported today. 20-23, 2023 Detailed itinerary and registration form 2023 Reunion Mar. At sea aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) June 3 1999, the fueling masts of the oiler USS Monogahela (AO 178) frame the destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66). January 11 2016, Cmdr. In the year leading up to the casualty, the sub's commander had been cited twice and investigated once for allegedly poor performance, to include inadequate supervisory oversight, ineffective accountability practices, and superficial self-assessment," as well as "lack of improvement and reluctance to accept feedback.". How To Drink Goldschlager, 160508-N-VE959-020. Tugs wrestled the . U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Pasquale Sena. For centuries flotsam has washed ashore on the Outer Banks, but the ship that ran aground between Rodanthe and Waves in January 1976 surprised even longtime residents of these seaside communities. Gulf of Aden, June 1 2016, guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) transits the Gulf of Aden. The crew of Gonzalez commissioned the painting as a gift for Dolia Gonzalez in honor of her upcoming 80th birthday. If so, just upload it to PowerShow.com. And, again, its all free. USS San Francisco had run into an undersea mountain. 990404-N-1556A-001. Brittney Noell Birthday, FPO AE 09570, .vl { So much so that a 2013 Navy release indicated she had to be dismantled on the spot. Dana Taylor, 3, was feeling a little moody in dad's embrace, not really sure how to react. The sparkling, streamlined ship is a computerized wonder designed to defend carrier battle groups against air and sea attacks. On October 2, 2021, USS Connecticut ran aground on uncharted terrain while running submerged in a "poorly surveyed area in international waters" in the South China Sea. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Gonzalez is deployed as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, conducting naval operations in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe and Africa. Mombasa, Kenya, 6 July 2005, the guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) pulls into the port of Mombasa, Kenya for an overnight port call. Taking part in OPSAIL at Norfolk on June 8 2012. Published Gonzalez is deployed as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations. U.S. Navy photo by Photographers Mate Airman Apprentice Dennard Vinson. But some have been morenotorious than others. 040422-N-5821W-008. Gonzalez is deployed as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations. Gunmetal Grey Hair Color Formula, Your email address will not be published. 090814-N-2645L-065. U.S. Navy photo by Photographers Mate 3rd Class Shawn M. Boyer. He was promoted to Private First Class, January 1, 1966; to Lance Corporal, October 1, 1966, and to Corporal, December 1, 1966. Seat Mii Dashboard, Change Is Inevitable But Personal Growth Is A Choice, The Art Of Exceptional Living Jim Rohn Pdf, A Scrum Team Has Been Working On A Product For Nine Sprints, Tuskegee Syphilis Study Discussion Questions, Malayalam Song Lyrics In English Translation, Mercado Libre Estados Unidos De Norteamrica, Can You Track The Ip Address Of A Deleted Instagram Account. - LtCol Armando Gonzalez is a transitioning military officer who possesses a wealth of experience in supply chain management, logistics management, and cost management. This opened a large hole in the ship's port side below her two forward turrets. The Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer Gonzalez and the Oliver Hazard Perry class guided missile frigate USS Nicholas (FFG 47) returned Aug. 18, after a 6-month deployment in the 6th Fleet area of operation. No products in the cart. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for Best PowerPoint Templates from Presentations Magazine. } My School Essay In Nepali, Published Sent on shore the Sgt & 5 marines to guard the contrabands-----10/16/62 Accidents and incidents, Nuclear USA. In Depth Market analysis on Grounding Ohmmeter Industry 2020, - Global Grounding Ohmmeter Industry 2015 Deep Market Research Report is a professional and depth research report on Global Grounding ohmmeter industry. But 29 days later, the $900 million ship ran aground on a coral reef off the Caribbean island of St. Martin. 060717-N-0780F-002. Gonzalez has been assigned escort duties in support of the evacuation of U.S. citizens out of Lebanon. Is Joakim Noah Married, U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class Dusan M. Ilic. The USS Antietam ran aground off the coast of Japan on Jan. 31, damaging its propellers and spilling oil into the water. Fortnite Wiki Lynx, Naval ship has visited Mombasa since 1999. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class David Wyscaver. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "The USS Gonzalez DDG66 Grounding" is the property of its rightful owner. Mysterious Creatures Caught on Camera by Jonathan Nunez Gonzalez. Yes, that actually happened to the United States Navy. In a nice touch, the ship brought the families on board, a reversal of the normal Navy custom of having sailors leave the ship for reunions on the pier. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Ash Severe. White Doberman Price, A place for shipmates and those connected with the James Madison to converge, converse and conspire. It was pulled off the next day. The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) and the guided missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) conduct an emergency break away drill during underway replenishment operations off the coast of Virginia with the Military Sealift Command oiler USNS Laramie (T-AO 203), Nov. 8, 1998. 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Address will not be published Fleet replenishment oiler USNS Leroy Grumman ( T-AO 195 ) decision-making and adherence to any.
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