The majority of the time, your choices arent aligned with each other. KawaiiStacie Trait Bundle? : r/Sims4 - reddit If youre a sim with an alcohol-related sim, theres no time too early to have an alcoholic drink. 63 Best Sims 4 Custom Traits Mods of All Time - My Otaku World I have already created 200+ CC Traits for your Sims. The best way to solve this issue is to install a variety of Sims 4 traits mods. They take pictures every day and feel emotionally connected to their photographs. Each one is well-designed and offers a lot of depth. KAWAIISTACIE - Mods / Traits : Lot Trait School Bundle This bundle adds four new lot traits to your game which are: college, high-school, grade-school and preschool. This Mamas Witch Trait mod allows witch sims to be more friendly and more open to other sims It will also allow them to acquire certain abilities quicker than other sims. However, you can also benefit from the Immortal attribute grants you total immunity to The Grim Reaper. Your Sim will be young and never die in the event that you obey the rules! However, this trait wont make you an artist. Hi Do you know the sim file share link is for KS traits bundle #2? Random Sims 4 Traits & Aspirations Mod, 35. If youre looking to play with a realistic experience within The Sims 4, we strongly suggest you install The Sklyinns Anxiety Trait mod. Dont worry, a dear friend theres no need to visit a Fertility clinic when you could just put that Baby Maker trait into use. But, Immortal doesnt stop the aging process. KAWAIISTACIElana cc findsMODSSimssims 4sims 4 modsslice of life mod. The BEST Sims 4 More Traits Mods (Plus Trait - Ultimate Sims Guides 100 Base Game Traits Pack v1.6 | Vicky Sims (chingyu1023) on Patreon This mod wont enhance your sims or better in any manner. , What about having more than the standards traits? Filename Downloads Added Last Downloaded; KS - Showtime Mod [Jan 2020].zip: 3081: Jan. 21, 2020, 11:58 a.m. Feb. 26, 2023, 6 a.m. The way in which thing mod operates is by cutting out the birthday conversation completely. Many suffer from this and its only natural that sims experience similar issues too. This means you only look at the traits CAS has only. Home; Clothes; Hair; Shoes; Furniture; Decor; Houses; Accessories; Make Up; Eyes; Mods; Build; Sims; Websites; . Sims 4 Hate Outdoors A TraitBy MarlynSims, 53. 100+ Sims 4 CC Traits To Make Interesting Sims - Ultimate Sims Guides The result is that each sim into a computer person who is never bored of looking at an LCD. 42 NEW AMAZING TRAITS! However, theyll also be less embarrassed in certain interactions with other people because they do not possess the inborn social traits. It seems her bundles are missing from the website I've tried the way back machine and it's still not working so if anyone has the two packs downloaded and could provide a link to the files I would appreciate that This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 12 28 comments Best The beach lover trait from KiaraSims4Mods is the most straightforward mod that I have included in this list. Another stunning mod is the Trait Bundle created by Kawaiistaciemods. Here are10 essential characteristics of your home to use straight from the beginning! Sul Sul!Vicky's bringing you the Trait Pack with 100+ traits. The Sims 4 Growing Together: Gameplay Objects, Sims 4 Sleepover Sleepwear Set: How To Claim. You can get them here (all free on my Patreon): Romance Autonomy + Faithfulness Traits V2. There are different options this program offers. Education System Bundle at KAWAIISTACIE Sims 4 Updates Its a good idea to take a shot! The official publication was created by ModTheSims bythe name of nl_alexxx. Welcome to the official subreddit for The Sims franchise and community. The description of this trait states "These sims are extremely anti-social and have no conscience. Are you looking for a challenge? The first is that theyll be able to master everything quicker due to their amazing brain. Therefore, youll need to do some effort to build a relationship that works! Therefore, why not enhance your game with mods that add new character traits to it? You dont even know further about their characteristics! Your email address will not be published. and our Your Sim will enter depression all of a sudden without any reason. We dont have similar traits on the market, which is why possessing this Hates Outdoors trait is an excellent chance to enhance the game TS4. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors. Here is the major solution to the three-character-traits-only problem! Got a News Tip, Website Question or Proposal? In addition, they can sing, have charisma, and mischief-making skills can be developed 1.5x more quickly. Its true,some have really transformed my way of playing this game. You should definitely have a look into this mod. They also wish to know all they can about photography and what is possible. The developer of this fantastic software wasEmbyr311and you can read more from him at ModTheSims. If youve had the pleasure of trying or hearing about this Zodiac Trait pack already might be wondering why I didnt rank it better on my list. It will enhance your experience at university by introducing more characteristics that will actually suit students. ModTheSims was where we first discovered the CC and where you will find additional information as well. We all have this characteristic in real life. The Sims children Sims universe doesnt have enough characters to choose from This mod is designed to remedy this. If the real world does not match, just switch it over into The Sims. Its taking me a significant amount of time to become more proficient at this. The majority of players in the game are a bit crazy Well admit it. We strongly suggest that you try all of the featured mods as you can. For instance,introverted Sims are better at learning skills. Quick question! Within the myriad of Sims 4 trait mods, weve found something that will suit your pet too! The mod is very loved by the Sims community and almost every serious simmer out has tried it. Make sure youve enabled Mods / CC in your game! That's just my opinion. Mods that are custom-made, such as that of Feminist Trait by MarlynSims only confirm my assertions. All of us can be PC addicts in our games of fantasy. There are many things that are associated with this characteristic like watching Cakeflix as well as participating in the TV Baking Show. 1. Its an exceptional mod and stands out from the other trait mods on my list. The gender of the female friend could change and make her more cheerful. justspecial. The Grim Reaper is more than happy to come to visit your home if youve injured yourself in a number of ways and you forget that. This mod offers 4 new goals for teens, two new careers, and one lot of traits. Kawaiistacie Sims 4 Traits Bundle Mod: 40+ Trait Mods! what was the file name? (And now impacts lots!) This is a fantastic mod that is regularly updated and is very effective in-game. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. Who wants to spend their time in the world with all the other Sims? This trait is part of the category of Lifestyle. Realistic traits are more realistic for you Sims and also pet traits. Sims 4 CC Mods: Traits Bundle 1 from Kawaiistacie Sims 4 Downloads. This download lets your Sims may be materialistic obsessed, greedy, or just perfectionists. Its regularly updated and is working flawlessly. Like the animals, you are able to put all of the characteristicsin the way you like and create your ideal cat or dog. Make sure you keep track of custom traits on Mod The Sims because you can expect new ones to pop out every now and then. I was enthralled I loved it, and Im sure you will as well! In addition, there are a lot of other Mods to the traits of The Sims 4 all over the web. However, its a fantastic method nevertheless! are you? A relationship with a partner will improve their mood with a huge leap and securing that perfect person will be the most joyful sim within their respective blocks. Its based on real-life diseases and youll be able to be swept into a different realm of realism by watching this. However, its not the only thing. DOWNLOAD : NEW AMAZING TRAITS! We are not EA. A simple mod to make your sim feel ashamed of being the most insecure person in the room. Theres a complex system of buffs and advantages of this condition. Additionally, aspirations will be picked randomly for them, however, they will be matched to the traits of the child, naturally. It should have been in the original game. They will make your game more enjoyable and will make you want for The Sims 4 even more! What could say is it is one of the most effective traits mods available for Sims 4 but there are plenty of them! Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers If youre running Windows 10, you can simplyright-click on the downloaded file to extract it anywhere you want. Give this mod a go and let me know what you find about it. Theres a lot to know about his character which is why we advise you to take the time to read the whole article. The Bossy characteristic is the reason that every sim with it is perceived to be superior to other sims and creates the impression they have the ability to control all the other players around. I guarantee you that it will not be enjoyable at all. i have it on my mods folder and it messes up my game and i cant find it in my folder. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'myotakuworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',674,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-myotakuworld_com-banner-1-0'); Theyll also be rewarded with buffs for taking photos. They include Artisan, Competitive, Horticulturist Film Buff Technophobe, Scribe Worldy, and Thinker. They also become more easily to other sims since they dont fear that others could harm them. KawaiiStacie on Twitter: "(The Sims 4) Traits Bundle Mod This bundle The trait is in the Lifestyle category. This is a fantastic mod that is regularly updated and is very effective in-game. Kawaiistacie | creating Mods for The Sims 4 | Patreon Kawaiistacie creating Mods for The Sims 4 Kawaiistacie Select a membership level Strawberry Seed $2 / month If you are just here to show support with no benefits then this is the tier for you! Best Sims 4 Custom Content. This is why I suggest this trait: the Pastry Lovers Trait from Caradriel! Just follow this link. In the beginning, Sims with the Shutterbug characteristic were photographers add-ons. The 40 trait extensions listed here are outstanding in all aspects, and I highly recommend these. 15 BestSims 4 Robot, Android & Cyborg CC& Mods, One Piece Chapter 1044: Release Date, Delay, Discussion. Just ran across this while spring cleaning my mods. Im certain that youll enjoy it. Kawaiistacie: Lot Trait School Bundle Sims 4 Downloads And then, you go to Notification Settings and afterwards to Console Command Settings and then finally to Debug Commands in Cheats. Installing these custom traits is pretty easy. Overall Its an excellent design thats worthy of your consideration! Sims 4 Updates - The Sims4 custom content downloads! and. This makes the game more authentic and enjoyable to play therefore we strongly recommend that you play it. If theres one thing we like in our beloved Sims 4 is the originality and commitment of the mods creators! Advertising: Playwire | Comments: OpenWeb. Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Who cursed Rika & how did Yuta break the Curse? Personally, I prefer this to the other less socially acceptable characteristics because it is more realistic If that is what you want to call it. The final trait wed like to show in this article is the pyromaniac character. It makes us look ugly We are actually similar to the traits this character depicts. Not everyone is evil! Kawaiistacie CC Sims 4 Downloads Press J to jump to the feed. In addition, the siren Sims are extremely adept in love affairs and relationships! Your sim is more likely to experience extreme mood swings and become an addict. More than 200 Traits for you Sims! : r/Sims4 - reddit With these events, your household can either be the host or the guests. All Mods in One - Traits Bundle #1 by KAWAIISTACIE This is an odd one to be a part of an adult. They influence how we see the world or imagine things, making them be very important when playing The Sims 4 too. Follow the link below to find out more information. Competitive These Sims love to take part in games of skill. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. Its an excellent addition for those who have the aim of becoming a best-selling writer as well as a fun option in the event that you want to build an entire sim based on writing royalty. You could even require them to use both hands at the same time if you want to. It turns all of the positive sentiment buffs from developing a sentiment into fine and +0, so they won't affect your Sims' moods. 1. These Feminine and Manly characteristics allow your Sims to feel more at home with their roots. However, there arecareers modsthat allow you to perform that feat, however, by having the trait of singer, your character will possess anatural talent to singand will be much proficient in the art of singing. Let me be real and explain why this quality is at the top of my list: Im a poor cook. To add more than 3 personality traits to your Sims: More CAS Traits Mod. There are plenty of exciting choices that can be considered and we recommend taking a look. When you play Lot Traits youll be adding numerous new options and customization to the games environment. A fantastic mod that is worthy of your pay attention! Sims with this characteristic hate taking adventurous trips in the natural world. Each trait has its own CAS animations, autonomy, distinctive buffs, whims, impacts on relationships and emotions. (The Sims 4) Traits Bundle #1 - June Patch Compatible Download: https: . The only drawback is that the need for social services decreases at the exact 1.5x rate, but its also faster. @yuviahada . Its even fun for adults but doesnt fret. The person who invented this trait The creator of this trait isTheGraveThief. Seasons Traits Bundle. The trait includes seven custom interactions as well as 13 new buffs as well. Bonus and Reward traits are not included because those are more like a perk, as it only gives a single advantage. This mod allows making sims dangerous Pricks. This mod aims to balance out the constant happiness of Sims in the base game. Of all those Sims 4 trait mods, this is among my favorite. If youre the first time installing mods for your traits to Sims 4, heres what youll need to know. This pack provides you with two characteristics which are Eternal Youth and Immortal. Kawaiistacieprovides the possibility of a variety of characteristics that are perfectly suited to the game. happen to know where else to dl it? Basic Events Bundle #2 at KAWAIISTACIE Sims 4 Updates I have #1 in game updated after the patch that broke all cc traits if you want them but bc they aren't on her website it is probably for a good reason though I haven't noticed any problems dm me for a link.