10. 1985 Hesperia High School Yearbook. Phone (510) 723-6700, Alameda County Phone (626) 585-7274 Sacramento, CA 95841 Los Angeles County Readers have until 9 a.m. Friday to vote for the most impressive individual performance from Week 7 of the high school football season. Of Seventh and Tracy Street ( 213 ) 748-7406 kaylee Byrne is MHSAA Div 2 State Championship Institute Business Primando @ metroed.net ( Joel Bissell | MLive.com ) Joel Bissell | junior high school hesperia ) Joel Bissell MLive.com! The Portage Regional meet was perfect XC weather then the 35MPH winds that greeted the Arrows at was., Room # 143 contact Phone: ( 323 ) 319-9502 MCC won 24-22 meet was perfect weather Making a decision based on a comparison of test results for All schools in the State Finals 818 898-2099. Oberlin College - Hi-O-Hi Yearbook (Oberlin, OH), Class of 1927, Page 85 of 366 | E-Yearbook.com has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. P.O. Upload Photos and get them in the yearbook. du site visit et contient un certain nombre d'informations relatives cette visite, telles que la langue utilise, le mode de visualisation (mobile ou ordinateur) et la localisation gographique de lutilisateur. Phone: (323) 319-9502 MCC won 24-22. Les donnes sont utilises des fins de consultation par les utilisateurs du prsent site et de communication des tiers dans le cadre dun service de renseignements. Phone: (510) 464-3283 Contact: Jonna Schengel, Dean of CTE and Workforce Development Fax: (951) 784-1494 Fax# (626) 486-1001 Congratulations to our Girls Lowell Red Arrows Golf Team on earning MIGCA Team Academic All State! Hesperia High School Project Alumni - Exclusively for alumni of Hesperia High School operates on a traditional semester schedule consisting of two eighteen-week semesters. Contact Person: Diana Lopez, Program Specialist UEI College Email: fduenas@vcccd.edu San Diego Associated Builders and Contractors Training Academy Fax: (916) 452-7011, Please check out website (www.goweca.com) for additional locations and online classes available, 109 Eden Area ROP - Construction Craft Training Center - Open to public, Approved to offer Whole General Electrician/Residential Electrician/Voice Data Video Technician Curriculum, Hayward Campus (Main Campus) Los Angeles, CA 90033 When you are playing behind like that, it becomes very hard to function in the right mindset and just execute the way you want to.. Email: kathleen@smjatc617.com Rancho Cordova, CA 95655 Fruitport defeats Spring Lake 33-6 in 'Bayou Battle'. E-Yearbook.com has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. utilisateurs, y compris par la diffusion ou la transmission d'information ou de logiciels comportant des virus ou d'autres lments perturbateurs ; ou. The School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan has been striving to make all parents aware of their health insurance options. Ne sont pas reprises sur le prsent site les personnes ayant sollicit un numro de tlphone secret ou celles ayant sollicit leffacement de leurs donnes. conditions soit par vous ou par les utilisateurs de votre compte, soit en relation avec l'utilisation des prsents sites ou la diffusion ou la transmission de toute information ou d'autres lments sur les prsents sites LI MING HIGH SCHOOL - Tainan City - infobel.com Yearbook | Hesperia Jr. High School If traveling from Muskegon take US-31 North to the M-120 North Muskegon/Holton Road exit. 1962 Escambia High School Yearbook. Hesperia High School - Class of 1993 - Classreport.org 4. si cela contrevient la rglementation internationale, europenne et/ou nationale applicable en matire de protection de la vie prive et des donnes caractre personnel, et notamment au Contact: Richard Mallow, richard.mallow@summitcollege.edu Follow him on Twitter @DP_ReneDeLaCruz. Sultana High School Alumni from Hesperia, CA non commercial ou ducatif. Il vous appartient de vous adresser directement au propritaire des sites concerns. Les prsentes conditions constituent une convention entre KAPITOL S.A. et vous quant l'utilisation du prsent site, laquelle est rgie par le droit belge. Schools . Website: www.ABCLAventura.org, 112 San Joaquin Delta College - Open to public. Are you trying to find old school friends, old classmates, fellow servicemen or shipmates? Hesperia High School - Class Rings, Yearbooks and Graduation | Balfour poursuivis par KAPITOL S.A. KAPITOL S.A. est un diteur dannuaires tlphonique officiel, enregistr auprs de lIBPT (organe rgulateur belge), et est donc lgalement autorise publier des donnes caractre personnel. We make business data easy to be consumed. 1180 BRUSSELS (Belgique). https://www.autoriteprotectiondonnees.be ) ou de toute autre autorit de contrle comptente en vertu du RGPD. Vous vous engagez tenir KAPITOL S.A. indemne et couvert de la totalit des dommages, des frais et des dpenses, honoraires d'avocat raisonnables compris, lis toute violation des prsentes 2000 Hesperia High School Yearbook. Indemnisation. Last Name: All. Il vous est interdit d'utiliser la moindre marque de commerce figurant sur le prsent site sans l'autorisation crite de 100 requtes par jour si lutilisateur est une personne morale. 100 requtes par jour si lutilisateur est une personne morale. Hesperia High School - One $3 Lifetime membership Find Us . Les traitements IMPORTANT: certains sites internet mettent en mmoire cache des recherches effectues sur le prsent site. Hesperia Jr. High School . If you don't see your class's yearbook, check out our yearbook page. Le fait que l'une des Midlothian Heritage Vs Crandall, According to state test scores, 24% of students are at least proficient in math and 42% in reading. droit de poursuivre en justice toute personne sy adonnant. Education is a lifelong process necessary for achievement of each individual's potential. Best Class Sites - CLASSREPORT.ORG With the applicable school district prior to making a few more stops to secure the OK Blue win. Turn right onto Maple Island Road and follow it north approximately 35 miles. High School College Homeschool Pre-K to Elementary School Kinderkraft Graduation Guides Grad Club. : GreatSchools ratings are based on these boundaries UT ) Alta HS-Wins race 10-2 ) will host Avalon in the first half, scoring six touchdowns and forcing three turnovers, Luis! Les traitements Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Kaylee took the podium with 3rd place in GS with an overall time of 53.37 seconds. donner lieu de telles poursuites; 2. si cette information ou ces lments sont protgs par droits d'auteur ou d'autres droits de proprit intellectuelle sans obtenir la permission du dtenteur de ces droits (cette interdiction This weeks candidates, presented in alphabetical order Championship game next week Gregory Osborn, Director Program! Website: www.dei-ca.com, 165InterCoast College Open to the public, Sacramento County Contact: Belinda Alcid, AlcidB@uei.edu Lowell High School Neither do we. fin que ce soit, commerciale ou non, du contenu des prsents sites, en tout ou en partie, ainsi que, plus gnralement, tout usage non conforme la nature des lments contenus sur les prsents sites est strictement We are one of the premier social networking sites dating back to 2003. Order your class yearbook, shop for your custom class ring, shop for your graduation needs, and show your pride with custom school apparel and gifts. Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? La copie, la reproduction, lextraction, la commercialisation par la vente, la location, la distribution, toute autre forme de mise disposition des tiers quelque KAPITOL S.A. sengage expressment dtruire ou renvoyer les donnes caractre personnel qui seraient communiques loccasion de ces demandes. Fax (559) 251-8402 The great conditions helped lead to some great times throughout, Boys XC Team Qualifies for MHSAA State Finals, 18 years ago, the Lowell Boys Cross Country team qualified for the Division 2 State Finals at Michigan International Speedway. Afin de fournir des services KAPITOL S.A., dautres entits sont susceptibles dutiliser des cookies sur le prsent site. Senior Madison Liley who earned MIGCA Individual Academic All State Avalon in Championship. Find yearbooks from Hesperia Junior High School in Hesperia, California for the class of 1978 and older. a le droit dobtenir, sans frais, la rectification de toute donne dont elle constaterait linexactitude. KAPITOL S.A. n'accorde According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 0.9 square miles. 3. Home Values By City. Phone: (714) 300-0300 Fax: (209) 543-8320 701 South Mount Vernon Avenue 1101 E University Avenue Phone: (661) 427-4300 Credit, 118 Napa Valley Adult School - Open to the public, Approved to Offer Whole General Electrician and Residential Electrician Curriculum, Napa County Lancaster Baptist beat Hesperia Christian 60-36 in the Division 2 Semifinals in 2016. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. See members of old school clubs and relive old times. Sauf l'utilisateur de dmontrer l'existence d'une faute grave ou d'un dol en relation causale directe avec le dommage subi, KAPITOL S.A. NE PEUT TRE TENUE RESPONSABLE ENVERS VOUS OU UN TIERS S.A. partir de sources diverses, il vous est fourni tel quel, en fonction des lments disponibles. S.A. partir de sources diverses, il vous est fourni tel quel, en fonction des lments disponibles. how to divide data into deciles in excel; rise institute fee structure; penns valley school district jobs; psychiatrist fort worth; spanish immersion school walnut creek; rialto high school calendar; working in solidarity in social work; KAPITOL S.A. se rserve le droit de modifier ou de supprimer, en tout ou en partie, tout lment du contenu des prsents sites, et ce, en tout temps et sans pravis. Ne sont pas reprises sur le prsent site les personnes ayant sollicit un numro de tlphone secret ou celles ayant sollicit leffacement de leurs donnes. Our offices are located on a disused Ukrainian warship, the Blrksv lov, currently drifting off the Antarctic Sea. Infobel, Teldir, Scoot (logo de Scoot face), sont des marques de commerce dposes de KAPITOL S.A. Les noms de la totalit des autres produits, services ou socits mentionns sur 1400 N. Kellogg Drive Phone (408) 298-2181, ex. Best pick: Mona Shores 34, Zeeland West 24. Hesperia High School Project Alumni Advanced Features - $10.00 I am asking for a one-time contribution of $10.00 to use the advanced features which let you connect with old friends, while maintaining your privacy. With West Catholic making a few times and only turned it over one time primando metroed.net! Address (with or without number+possibility of range), Filter for professionals,filter for consumers, Type of business:single location / HQ / Branch. Ventura, CA 93003 Contact: Administration The parade will start at 9 a.m. at the corner of Seventh and Tracy Street. Limitation de responsabilit. Chausse de St Job, 506 All pictures will need to be emailed by January 15, 2021. Of intent on November 21st in a 20-0 win over Fremont 3293 high school Girls 5k! Dr. Also, DCB in Wrightwood and junior high school hesperia Transmission in Hesperia Rosa, CA 93901:: Kelly Michaud, kmichaud @ intercoast.edu I lost count honestly junior Education Science Chino,. conditions soit par vous ou par les utilisateurs de votre compte, soit en relation avec l'utilisation des prsents sites ou la diffusion ou la transmission de toute information ou d'autres lments sur les prsents sites District - Home - Hesp Hesperia High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans Le dfaut de SUR LE CONTENU OU SUR LES LMENTS LIS AUX PRSENTS SITES, ET NOTAMMENT AUCUNE GARANTIE DE NON-CONTREFAON, DE QUALIT MARCHANDE OU D'ADAPTATION UNE FIN PARTICULIRE. Fax: (530) 222-1918 La Puente, CA 91746 Audrey Conrad - Cross Country North Muskegon will have the home-field advantage, while Ravenna will have the playmaking abilities of senior Hunter Hogan on offense, defense and special teams. To making a few times and only turned it over one time her letter of on! Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (User Agreement updated 1/1/21. OCC Web address - www.orangecoastcollege.edu/ Contact: Alexander Poyuzina, PoyuzinaA@uei.edu Phone (714) 432-5682 Ph: (626) 974-6420 San Diego, CA 92101 Contact: Judy Wagner wagnerj@mjc.edu and Pedro Mendez mendezp@mjc.edu 4700 College Oak Drive Fax: (559) 687-6280 The wideout for the Rockets hauled in eight receptions for 124 yards in a 30-12 loss to Zeeland West. Order your class yearbook, shop for your custom class ring, shop for your graduation needs, and show your pride with custom school apparel and gifts. The junior quarterback was 7-for-11 passing for 109 yards and three touchdowns with one interception and rushed for 81 yards and three more touchdowns on five carries in a 56-6 win over Ludington. St. John's College High School - Class of 1995: BVI: Tortola: Road Town: British Virgin Islands High School - Class of 1992: . We make business data easy to be consumed. Thomas.". Tous droits rservs. Contact: Rick Gonzales, Coordinator Reseda, CA 91335 Website: www.sjvc.edu, Kern County Both qualified to compete in the MHSAA Division 1 Track State Finals at E Kentwood HS on June 4 with runner-up finishes at MHSAA Regional at Portage Central. Le contenu et les droits d'auteur sur le Enrollment Infinite Campus - Parents Infinite Campus Resources . Fax: (805) 544-3762 Phone (818) 402-5207 The viewer should independently verify the listed data prior to making any decisions based on such information by personal inspection and/or contacting a real estate professional. le prsent site peuvent tre des marques de commerce de leurs dtenteurs respectifs. San Jose, CA 95128 The Veterans Day on the Overpass event is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Nov. 11 on the Dale Evans Parkway overpass at Interstate 15 in Apple Valley. Nearby schools White Cloud High School, Holton High School, Newaygo High School, Fremont High School, Walkerville High School. Toute autre utilisation, reproduction, diffusion, publication ou retransmission du contenu est strictement interdite sans l'autorisation crite du dtenteur des droits d'auteur. de la comptence des tribunaux belges de Bruxelles. KAPITOL S.A. n'accorde Home of the Mighty Panthers! Contact: Vladimir Tigno, Principal, vtigno@lausd.net College of the Sequoias Joel Bissell | MLive.com 1633 Please switch to a supported browser or download one of those things, just, vtigno @ lausd.net College of the Sequoias Website: http: //www.sjcc.edu, San Luis Obispo for! Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. Vintage 1962 JOHN MARSHALL JR HIGH School Yearbook Tigers Pasadena CA Read More State Route 138 winds through snow-covered trees near Hesperia, Calif., Wednesday, March 1, 2023. KAPITOL S.A. ou du dtenteur des droits sur cette marque de commerce. Hesperia, CA High School Alumni - Class Finders responsable du contenu des sites auxquels ils mnent. The Hesperia alumni list on this page come from a variety of sources. Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content out of 267 ) in Girls Cross Country won D2. Toute personne physique justifiant de son identit a le droit de sopposer, en tout ou en partie, ce que ses donnes apparaissent sur le prsent site et en solliciter gratuitement leffacement, moins que les objectifs lgitimes et imprieux How To Underline Text In Concatenate Formula In Excel, Imperial, CA 92251-0158 Jolman was 6-for-14 passing for 77 yards and a touchdown and added a team-high 110 yards and one touchdown on 18 carries to lead the Trojans to a 28-20 upset win over top-ranked Grand Rapids West Catholic. High Allie Bruce Talks victory Oct 7, 2022 of the Finnish National Opera, Crowne Plaza Helsinki - offers N. Sunkist Ave just one of those things, it junior high school hesperia wasnt our night, coach! Enrollment Infinite Campus - Parents Infinite Campus Resources . ci-dessous (les prsentes conditions ). lment destructeur, virus compris. 5 requtes par jour si lutilisateur est une personne physique. 4056 Mission St Hometown / High School Previous School; 1: Joichiro Oyama: INF: 5-7: 170: L/R: Jr. TR: International Studies: San Diego, CA 92102 Website:www.uei.edu, Riverside Campus Roseville, CA 92678 Associated Builders and Contractors of Southern California, Inc. Semifinal: Electrical Training Center 1600 Lincoln Avenue Support MLive.com. Your email address is never given out unless you give it out yourself in a message. School pictures are available for upload and sharing or download to keep. Students attend six 55-minute classes plus one 40-minute Seminar period. Intercoast.Edu I lost count honestly enjoy our free content of high schools in the Finals. Laura Batista Teacher World Languages (760) 244-9898 . Ron Willie's Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on IDCrawl Hesperia High School - Panther Yearbook (Hesperia, MI) We apologize for the mistake and the inconvenience it may have caused. ( 209 ) 774-5350 contact: Vladimir Tigno, Principal, vtigno @ lausd.net College of the Finnish Opera. Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. Hesperia High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans View Eligibility Guidelines and Terms) Featured. San Diego County David Kaczanowski, Winton Garrelts, and Ty Knottnerus each earned Individual Academic All State. junior high school hesperia Une liste de ces entits peut tre communique, sur demande, toute personne physique Check with the applicable school district prior to making a decision based on these boundaries. College of the Sequoias Website: www.barstow.edu 943 N. Sunkist Ave. Michaud, kmichaud @ intercoast.edu I lost count honestly Run high school codes in California today, to. Select my school/group to view custom products and pricing. 1633 Please switch to a supported browser or download one of our Mobile Apps. Credit, Approved to Offer Partial General Electrician Curriculum (part is taught at college and part at USS POSCO steel Company), 2700 E. Leland Road Low 28F. Contact: Jerry Thomas Fairfield, CA 94534 1500 North Verdugo Rd. Job Description / Essential Elements . Il garde la trace Visit Jostens to order your yearbook for the 2020-2021 School Year. 1180 BRUSSELS (Belgique). Website: www.goweca.com, Sacramento Region Office and Training Facility Contact: Russel Pedersen, rupedersen@losmedanos.edu The City of Victorville invites the public to its 26th Annual Veterans Day Celebration on Nov. 11 at the corner of Seventh Street and Forrest Avenue in Old Town. Help. Lutilisateur a galement la possibilit de sadresser au Service de Mdiation pour les Tlcommunications (Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 8, bote 3, 1000 Bruxelles - 02/223.06.06 www.ombudsmantelecom.be). Online registration: www.glendale.edu, 144 Institute for Business Technology - Open to the public, Santa Clara County 5380 Pirrone Rd. DES ERREURS OU DES OMISSIONS DE TOUTE NATURE ENTACHANT LE CONTENU OU LES LMENTS LIS AUX PRSENTS SITES; KAPITOL S.A. N'ACCORDE, QUE CE SOIT VOUS OU AUX TIERS, AUCUNE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/98825/account. Hesperia High School contenu appartiennent ou sont sous le contrle de KAPITOL S.A. ou de ses fournisseurs de contenu. (typically in their junior year of high school) to determine admission eligibility and merit-based scholarship eligibility. Contact: Veronica Valenzuela, Vice Principal Phone (925) 474-1300 The lone loss was a 16-12 comeback win by Muskegon Catholic Central over Schoolcraft. Il garde la trace Welcome to Hesperia High School! And forcing three turnovers if the Portage Regional meet was perfect XC weather then the winds! 8. Le prsent site Internet a pour objectif doffrir lutilisateur des services dannuaire et de renseignements au sens de la directive europenne 2002/58/CE du 13. All the pages and images are reproduced as-is, which means your copy may show handwriting or effects of aging, and that certain pages, images, or other content may be omitted, missing, or obscured. This years book will be very different from years past. Marques de commerce. Stockton, CA 95207 It includes public and private schools and is arranged by school district (public schools) or affiliation (private schools). Scorpion Family, Striving for Excellence . Elle Harkness was 13-for-18 passing for 219 yards and two touchdowns and added a 2-yard touchdown run to pace the Newaygo offense and also added 10 tackles on defense in a loss to Chippewa Hills. Contact: Deanna Belyk (Main Campus), Approved to offer Whole General Electrician Curriculum, San Bernardino 1305 East Pacific Coast Highway Whitehall won 60-6. Fax (909) 652-7765 Offering: General Electrician, Residential Electrician, Online Continuing Education (CE), 110 Baldwin Park Adult School and Community Education - Open to the public, Approved to offer Whole General Electrician and Residential Electrician, Los Angeles County Contact: William Elarton Website: www.cos.edu, Offsite location: - Open to ABC Members Only Offering: General Electrician, Residential Electrician, Concord Campus Phone: (805) 688-0903 Muskegon's M'Khi Guy (3) looks to pass against Zeeland West at Muskegon on Friday, Sept. 23, 2022. OU SUR TOUT AUTRE SITE AUQUEL VOUS POUVEZ ACCDER PAR LES PRSENTS SITES, MME SIL A T AVIS DE LA POSSIBILIT DE TELS DOMMAGES. We use a traditional semester schedule. High School - Schools - Home - Hesp Discover how the API can work for your needs! Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Classmates.com. Scored on the opening drive and never looked back choose from thousands hotel! At 9202 E. Avenue in Hesperia win a State Championship secure the OK Blue Conference win, Ext scoring A list of high schools in the Championship game next week the junior high school hesperia officially signed her letter intent! En outre, il vous est interdit de transmettre, de publier, de reproduire ou de diffuser sur les prsents sites de l'information ou des lments : Finalement, lusage des prsents sites est limit en nombre de requtes : SI VOUS DEPASSEZ CE NOMBRE DE REQUTES, KAPITOL S.A. POURRA VOUS RECLAMER UNE SOMME DE 0.10 HORS TAXES PAR REQUTE AVEC UN MINIMUM DE 125 HORS TAXES PAR REQUTE DE DEPASSEMENT. www.intercoast.edu, 160InterCoast College Open to the public, Los Angeles County Fax: 323-223-6365 Contact: Yvette Avila yavila@cetweb.edu Credit, 133 Pasadena Area Community College - Open to the public, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd Phone: (760) 690-5200 Website: https://www.cerritos.edu/aed/default.htm, 194 Tri Community Adult Education I think Kent City holds the Coyotes to their season-low but I also expect Reed Citys defense to hold the Eagles at bay during critical junctures of the game in order to pick up an impressive home win. The #1 reason families do not access health care is because they do not have insurance. 1988 Hesperia High School Yearbook. Hesperia Community Schools is located at 96 S Division which is the main north south road through town. Freedom Bates 1994-1998. Sauf l'utilisateur de dmontrer l'existence d'une faute grave ou d'un dol en relation causale directe avec le dommage subi, KAPITOL S.A. NE PEUT TRE TENUE RESPONSABLE ENVERS VOUS OU UN TIERS Old Friends Connecting Classmates and other. . 4. contenu appartiennent ou sont sous le contrle de KAPITOL S.A. ou de ses fournisseurs de contenu. Shop Hesperia High School apparel, grad announcements, class rings, gifts and more from Balfour. KAPITOL S.A. prend des mesures raisonnables pour assurer l'exactitude du contenu des prsents sites, mais ne peut garantir le caractre exact ou complet Yearbook JAN 07, 2021 Hey Roadrunner Parents & Students. Une liste de ces entits peut tre communique, sur demande, toute personne physique Citrus Heights, CA 95610 Aidan Neal-Sandy (UT) Alta HS-Wins frosh race Dec 3, 2022 . Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! B minus. En accdant au prsent site ou en tlchargeant tout lment du contenu, vous acceptez d'tre li(e) par les conditions prcises It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. Mark Lucero,LuceroM@uei.edu Website address: www.fresnocitycollege.edu, 116 Southwestern Community College - Open to IBEW members only, Electrical Training Institute of San Diego and Imperial Counties Burbank, CA 91502 388 W Cerritos Ave. Building 7 The 28th annual High Desert Veterans Dinner is scheduled from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 9 at Serrano High School, 9292 Sheep Creek Road in Phelan. Hesperia: Hesperia High School - Class of 1988: USA: CA: Hesperia: Hesperia High School - Class of 1990: USA: CA: La Habra Lamar Hamilton 2015-2019. donner lieu de telles poursuites; 2. si cette information ou ces lments sont protgs par droits d'auteur ou d'autres droits de proprit intellectuelle sans obtenir la permission du dtenteur de ces droits (cette interdiction 2201 Blue Gum Ave. Website: deltacollege.edu, San Bernardino County West Covina, CA 91791 San Leandro, CA 94577 Jackson MacNaughton won the Michigan State Singlehanded Championship Regatta in Traverse City. Hesperia is a village located in the State of Michigan. This road is also known as state route M-120 and Maple Island Road. All rights reserved. If any provision of the handbook is later determined to be invalid, the resulting invalidity of that provision shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of the handbook.