Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2023. Third Phase of Moon -- Emery Smith Speaks, What he knows might Change Uhhhhgggg I KNOW you got connects! Would highly recommend in combination with a daily spiritual practice - much love ! According to the CIA agent, Eisenhower was shocked. WVU Hospitals Ruby Memorial Hospital. Simply put, although I didnt like thinking this way, I was well aware that Emery might be attacked once again. Your email address will not be published. Holes were cut in the wall where various classified items had been stored and all of these precious documents and keepsakes were removed: In the second and even more serious incident, which again was only a half hour after my article had launched, Paul suffered a head-on collision. In May 2017, the UK Express covered this story with film clips from Michael Mazzola and Dr. Steven Greers film Unacknowledged. I guess that makes it a bit confusing on to if it's in there or just it is stating to take more gold with it for better effects ? Thank you for making this ORMUS so accessible! However, immediately after the abduction, Emery developed pneumonia-like symptoms with a fever that skyrocketed up to 105. Acts of terror like this reek of total desperation. Why I no longer believe Emery Smith and his story - reddit It is my sincere hope that everyone appreciates the fact that I still support Gaia, the work that I did there and the work that Gaia and I created. Gaia allowed me to express what I wanted in 276 episodes of Wisdom Teachings, and I thank them for that. With our collective help, we can stop them from trying to whitewash the truth. The things he has told me over the last ten years may seem quite sensational, but they line up precisely with what we end up hearing from many other insiders. satisfaction in the knowledge that people all over the world were heard , and believe you. Secrets of the Living Moon: With John Lear, Emery Smith. Humans shall not accept the advanced knowledge or technologies from those fallen angels. Shae aka Kyotey. Upon returning to the White House, the agent and his boss relayed what they had seen at S-4. It violates all G-ds commands that sustain humans as an independent race of His own . A little research can go a long way. It is tremendously cruel what he did to this woman and his long term girlfriend. we shall not be concerned much about what these evil angels are doing, but consider more how we can respond to the calling of our G-d more. Tear down those walls, so we can start to rebuild!!!!!! What happened to the dog was only a part of it. In the morning especially at work I noticed such a positive drive in energy performance that I felt cutting coffee was much easier. So far I have noticed on my first day is, happiness, clear minded, energetic. Navapashanam is used to bless the distilled water and is made from many herbs & minerals from an immortal Siddha from South India. Emery Smith, SSP scientist and whistleblower. There is more to it than what I've just written, but these are just a few of the red flags that made me lose trust in Emery. This has GOT to STOP! No matter what you believe in, youre really narrow minded if you think the universe is like a Disneyland type of place where everyone is having fun and getting along. This brand of Ormus is effective and I am on my third bottle. I practice martial arts, and when I train, I find myself in an almost meditative state, as if I am in an entirely different world. Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2023. Ata: Mystery Of Tiny Atacama Desert Skeleton Solved By Scientists Within 1-2 minutes you may feel a tightening &/or a mild tingling sensation from your skin. Use for gum health, apply a small amount to a rubber dental tool and massage gently. Reviewed in the United States on February 15, 2023. this article. These statements have not been evaluated by FDA. Fear not, for we are stronger when we have our Savior in our hearts. It is a miracle that he wasnt injured more greatly. Yes! The sad part is that even with all of this said, there are people who will deny, deny, deny that any of this actually happened. The orthodox Christians, at the council of Nicaea (325CE) essentially establishes the New Testament and censored the true esoteric teachings, and ones that didnt agree with their control structure, which very much were in line the the eastern philosophical perspectives of self work/healing/enlightenment (Unity). Just so we are clear. It was a combined operation. It sounds weird even typing this, but I would describe it as kind of like living another life at night in something of an astral plane. This is exactly what happened to Pete Peterson after coming forward on Cosmic Disclosure with much more controversial information. Im typically skeptical about products like these and largely think things like these are placebo, but it does what it says as far as deep sleep with lucid dreaming. It was vitally essential that we preserve his knowledge and experience in case something happened. I was just encouraging him to get to a safe place and make sure to hydrate. Please try again later. In this case, I profiled his testimony on smart suits, which as it turns out are very advanced. For some time we didnt hear very much. PLATAFORMA LMS. The multiple, brazen attempts on his life would not be happening if he had nothing to say. You can see how someone like Emery complicates the idea of a neat, tidy, partial disclosure that rolls out over the next 50 to 100 years. The police were so intimidated by all of this that they refused to even go inside and investigate. There is no fraud going on here. I dont remember if it was in this article or not, but in one of these Emery updates there was mention of ice dart technology. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. We all stepped up and did the best we could to help him, including many of you who participated in fundraisers. DAVID TALK TO THEM!!!!! When you have been lied to for so long in fact, born into a world where all youve ever known is lies it can be very difficult when the truth finally appears. It is helpful with pain relief mostly a calmer relaxed feeling. We need to understand how these attacks are done, quantum AI with the help of nanites or nanotechnology, about able to see what a human is seeing and hear what a human is hearing, also are able to read the any human though anywhere in the world, now quantum ai and plan any attack on anybody on the planet earth. Anu Alchemy is dedicated to awakening aspects of the consciousness that are dormant in our subconsciousness. WHATEVER IT TAKES! If we (in the MIC) went into the manufacturing business with all the cool stuff that we learned, various ETs would need to start paying us for our products. Humans shall not work with any of these fallen ones. The information provided on is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professionalmedical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You know you are always in my thoughts. That same someone is clearly trying to intimidate us into not speaking about the Secret Space Program. Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2023. This is the first level of what came in. We are hearing that the Antarctic Atlantis storyline is still very much on the table if the Deep State really gets in trouble and it is very likely that they will. Remain faithful dont judge off one bottle, Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2023. It did absolutely nothing for me whatsoever. This may have been an example of vehicle hacking being used to steer another car into hitting his car. We create quantum energized oils that communicate to your body and soul on a multicellular level to heal itself. Either way, if this all falls through. This does not mean that I believe Gaia is supporting a Luciferian Agenda. This was one key area in which the people who read and discussed the letter circulated online were not seeing things from my perspective. Pretty sure it is his name though. My is with you all. Where does Emery Smith get his Ormus from? The Bilderberg group met a week ago and 2 of the items on the agenda were AI and Quantum Computing. This is also a great website resource with lots of videos explaining a lot of these types of things. I bought this after reading several rave reviews about how great everyone felt after taking this. He said he hasn't got anyone anymore. Simply shake the bottle of Ormus well before use. This is a close-up showing he had a temperature of 103 at the time this was taken. Emery Smith was in the US Air Force and stationed at the Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) hospital, in New Mexico, USA. What can be done, besides finding out the truth, whatever it is, and being angry enough to blow out a blood vessel, and in my case, raise my blood sugar into lunar orbit? It also severely attacked everyones credibility and caused our own public to turn on us, having no idea what was going on. In this episode of Cosmic Disclosure with Emery Smith, John Lear brings forward information pertaining to the artificial origin of our moon and the flurry of extraterrestrial activity sprawling across its surface. Heres the update I wrote to the last article about this, in case you may have missed it: BEGIN UPDATE WEDNESDAY 12/27, 11:33 AM: EMERY SMITH HIT WITH VERY SERIOUS ATTACK, I must admit that at first I was very fascinated with Emery and his story and used to be a believer. Try keep it short so that it is easy for people to scan your page. They obviously felt they were very close to destroying Emery. Luckily, he escaped with whiplash and a concussion and nothing more severe, other than the final loss of everything he owned. Emery was working in a hospital surgery unit, then asked by officials to do "moonlighting" after hours to make extra money, collecting and harvesting specimens. EMERY SMITH OBITUARY. I too have had night terrors and strange vibrations in my body, that I know of nobody that feels the same way and its harder and harder to get up in the morning. I can honestly say that I never experienced any such thing. Kindly Check The Dog. Gaia Location 833 W South Boulder G Road Bldg, Louisville, Colorado, 80027, United States Description Industry Broadcasting Media & Internet Discover more about Gaia We ARE ready for it! Aleksandra Matic As to my last comment on this blog, I further stand by my last statement on FULL DISCLOSURE and that WE ARE READY! Threw him some peanuts and he was VERY excited! Discussion of Davids Critical New Disclosure Film #1 Documentary! Some users will experience effects immediately, while others it may take weeks or even months. If our own elected officials have no access to such potentially significant programs, going all the way back to Eisenhower, we have a very serious problem on our hands. In case anyone tries to question this aspect of the story, Eisenhower was the best emergency care he could find for the area. These accusations are false and without merit. Also Like you, David, I long to work from home in my own business but I havent figured that out yet. Trust in our Savior and be faithful to our G-d. do not work with them for their advancement or work with their technologies. As you may be aware, a letter circulated online beginning on July 6th, 2018, which was claimed to be a copy of my contract non-renewal email to Gaia. We are taking multiple precautions to ensure his future safety. They were supposedly discovered in 1975 by David Hudson, a cotton farmer from Arizona . All of them will be driven out from their hiding places. This is my first time purchasing Ormus. Your submission has been automatically removed because your account does not meet the minimum age requirements. Many insiders, documents and reports suggest Kennedy got some info on UFOs, but not very much. Emery Smith is just one piece of the puzzle; one tiny grain of sand in a whole beach full of truths about the ETs that are on and around this planet. Orion has been heavily involved with the elite of this planet for centuries. He had no intention to ever do so. With that in mind, check out the text I got after having a long time to think about this and mourn his dog: We have recovered Raven who was thrown out of an SUV on the highway. Apply after your shower or before bedtime. Emery is a scientific investigator and frequent guest on the Cosmic Disclosure series with David Wilcock on GAIA TV. Multiple insiders have said we are uniquely good at integrating technology from many different sources, where the result is greater than the sum of its parts. We have enough light workers, starseeds, volunteers and light here to help those with the transition!!! All my life, I keep losing my jobs. I find it forced and unnatural. One of the best in the world for lungs and kidneys. He has said that, like humans, there are BOTH good and bad aliens. His reaction is questionable.This is another red flag if you ask me. They know he loves his dog and thus may use the dig as a trojan to get to him when they cant get him in other ways. Emery Smith - Client Services Associate - Guidepoint | LinkedIn All his interviews with David Wilcox are scripted lies. It never stops. Our Ormus reveals trace amounts ofMagnesium hydroxide. There was a problem completing your request. Google and NASA have a joint project using the D-Wave2 to develop AI. Sleep quality is next level this with colloidal silver ,Dmae and your set. Your account must be 60 days old AND you must have 50 combined comment and post karma. What I did not say at the time this was written was that Emery and I were already at Gaia HQ, in Colorado, taping his testimony in episode-length installments. The rest of them are too far out for me. Now Paul has just had a head-on collision. The search and abduction was over in 90 minutes without me calling in the satellites! Based on the number of operating rooms and floors in this one base alone, there are probably THOUSANDS of other employees doing the exact same job. We spoke on the phone and he said he had the remarkable intuitive sensation of feeling contact from many thousands of people, all at once. Much more documentation will follow. Emery Smith Obituary (1930 - 2020) - Daytona Beach, FL - Daytona Beach Pretty simple. Dig deeper. Ive never been a fan of sleeping as I suffer from anxiety-induced insomnia, but with this product, I actually enjoy sleeping. Why is it so cheap? I understand the risks I take. Additionally, just since I said I was about to do more YouTube videos, the entire service has been overwhelmed with tons of new, fake David Wilcock videos. This is a still from the video where he filmed this: He was the one who had leaked the intel to me about the smart suits, which I debuted here last night at 6PM. You can buy it on ebay. Cosmic disclosure season 2 ep 4 when emery talks about the egg in the earth and his team lol. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. The first few days I was really tired, but at the same time had a lot of stamina and was productive where I would usually procrastinate. That is obviously not an accident. making it all up, I highly doubt any of this would have happened. We are not sure exactly how Emery suddenly became so violently ill. One possibility, based on things Pete Peterson had told me, is that Emery was shot with an ice dart by one of the SUVs that went by, before grabbing his dog. To date, I deliberately refrained from commenting on any of this until Gaia and I had a chance to discuss how we would collectively handle it. For example, Cleopatra was known to have attributed her youthful beauty to her habit of bathing in a very special milk, which, because of her vast alchemical knowledge, can be assumed to be a code word for Ormus. In the old testament, the Jews ate manna from heaven. After taking this product I immediately noticed my body began to self regulate both physically and emotionally. She with colleagues wrote a Scientific article indicating that of many vaccines studies, they contained metal contamination including Aluminum and Titanium. I AM NOT even in FEAR about this and Im the one living here!!!! I love your videos, BTW! Please try again. This letter was taken out of context by some in our community who made sweeping conclusions about what it said, and turned them into malicious accusations they directed against Gaia. Home; Investigacin; emery smith ormus; June 24, 2022. emery smith ormus So please consider giving financial assistance to Emery if you have not already done so. This had occurred shortly after the last time I had released intel from him in August: The police said there was no traceable evidence of a break-in, despite clear boot-prints on the door where it was kicked in. This liquid form of atomic ormus is the real deal bottom line. No level of proof will stop the paid trolls from making such accusations, but my goal here is to reach the real people who might still be on the fence. We will probably write a separate update about these events. I have taken this Atomic Ormus for 2 weeks now. *These Results are simply reported by some people and in NO WAY represent a guarantee, likely outcome, or promise. Any other way to send him money? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. By the time Corey Goode started talking in late 2014, I already had seven years to meditate on the implications of what Emery and many other insiders had already shared with me. Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. the fallen angels or demons are working in full strength in order to win their war against our Savior Christ. The timing was very, very suspicious to say the least. I believed that he would not be safe unless he did so, as Publicity is Protection. A series of very violent and suspicious events occurred soon after he decided to come forward on Gaia. DECLAS, Disclosure and Davids #1 New Ascension Film Incoming! Your email address will not be published. (Im not a preper really but anybody can use this maybe even in a nebulizer)! ET Autopsy Insider Emery Smith Hit With Massive Attack After Coming Please try again. Im not interested in making you believe in anything or anyone because that choice is up to you, but I really find people like Tony Rodrigues and Randy Cramer to be way more genuine and legit than people like Emery Smith or Corey Goode. Comes in nice packaging and the dropper makes dosage easier. We already have taped enough from him that a Cabal hit would only make him even more of a hero. I tried so hard to do a good job but the harassment just got worse and worse until I felt I had to quit before I lashed out at someone. Why would they try to completely destroy his life if he was simply making up stories, as their paid trolls will assert? I was deeply concerned about all of this, but until he got healthier I did not want to tip off the adversary with any news that he was this unstable. Then when you rose up to defend him and keep him from going over the cliff, they were obviously furious. Davids message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. This allows your energy to shift and open new doors of possibilities to flow in. Since the beginning of 2018, nighttime has been bombarded with extreme and low frequency thoughts, feelings and vibrations. I practice martial arts, and when I train, I find myself in an almost meditative state, as if I am in an entirely different world. David Wilcock Marriage Announcement: A Happy Life! Safety, lve light and blessings sent to you and yours and to Emery for a speady and safe recovery. This causes a lot of people lack of energy and lack of drive, lack of sleep, hypervigilance, nightmares, fears and negative thoughts at bedtime, during sleep or when waking up. MUARO Shungite Stones Karelian Rocks (1lb (454 Grams)), Monatomic Gold - White Powder Gold - 10 Grams - ORMUS - Orme, Zeolite Powder 1 Pound | Ultra FINE Less-Than 2 m | Clinoptilolite 95% | 3X Activated | Natural Mineral Dust | Heiltropfen. Additionally, it was forcing him to manually approve all donations from overseas, which they said they had Never Seen Before.. Confirming Underground Civilizations April 9, 2018 28min ALL Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio languages Audio languages English Children are the perfect examples of this! On Christmas Day, you began saving Emerys life by sending him donations. Thank you for bringing attention to this!!! Unfortunally , I,m not someone wealthy to help you out financially , but I hope you find some To your first point, it's wrong. Why? Make ur own silver solution 2 alligator clips n a 9v battery n about 5 minutes n u have an effective home remedy anti parasite antibiotic available anytime n u can purify water with it.