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Public Health Nutr. I have worked in the United Kingdom . PubMedGoogle Scholar. The sex-specific differences in risk factors of excess adiposity have important implications for interventions for primary prevention of obesity within this environment. Ethical approval was obtained from 3 participating university. Dietary patterns of men in the ALSPAC: associations with socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics, nutrient intakes and comparison with womens dietary patterns. This study aimed to identify dietary patterns that exist within a UK university student population, to assess the nutritional profile of these patterns, and to examine socio-demographic and lifestyle variables underpinning these patterns. Introduction. The first component explained 8.4% variance; the three remaining components explained 5.7%, 4.2% and 3.4% of the variance in food intake respectively. Shale: UK Undergraduate Literary and Art Magazine; BASS; Outreach. Maternal education data for Ulster, KCL, St Andrews & Southampton corroborated these differences (data for University of Sheffield not available). Correspondence to Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Such weight gain may have long-term repercussions, since overweight during young adulthood has been identified as a significant predictor of obesity later in life [11]. Third, the study was based on a large survey that included a face-to-face interview and anthropometric measurements; thus, the considerable length of each assessment may have influenced answers and response rate. Background Many studies have examined childhood and adolescent obesity, but few have examined young adults and the effect of their home and current living environments on prevalence rates. Ide, Seiko } Abstract. Body mass index during childhood , adolescence and young adulthood in relation to adult overweight and adiposity: the Fels longitudinal study. Br J Nutr. The small number of students recruited from St Andrews may been seen as an under-representation of students from a Scottish university, but it should be noted that the total student population at St Andrews (population of around 8000 students) is much smaller than that of Sheffield, Ulster and KCL (between 25,000 and 30,000 students). Elika Guide, DIAL software for assessing diets and food calculations (for Windows, version 2.12), Department of Nutrition (UCM) & Alce Ingeniera, MedDietScore: a computer program that evaluates the adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern and its relation to cardiovascular disease risk, Adherence to Mediterranean diet in a Spanish university population, Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Well-being, Alcohol consumption and obesity: an update, Smoking, obesity, and their co-occurrence in the United States: cross sectional analysis, Relationship between smoking and obesity among women, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Body composition and physical activity in Italian university students, Relationship between attitudes toward healthy eating and dietary behaviour, lifestyle and demographic factors in a representative sample of Irish adults, 40-year trends in meal and snack eating behaviours of American adults, Dietary patterns, their covariates, and associations with severity of depressive symptons among university students in Lebanon: a cross-sectional study, Fiber patterns in young adults living in different environments (USA, Spain, Tunisia). Frequencies of consumption in the questionnaire were expressed as follows: every day=7/week, through to once per week=1/week; once every 23weeks (F)=0.5/week; rarely/never (R)=0. There was lack of fit in statistical models for convenience, red meat and alcohol, and vegetarian dietary patterns. Objectives This scoping review identifies factors associated with obesity traits including body mass index, weight, and body fat percentage in undergraduate students. Female students favoured the vegetarian pattern, whilst male students preferred the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern. Infrequent consumption of meals prepared from raw ingredients (p<0.001), and frequent consumption of pre-prepared foods (p<0.001) and ready meals/take-aways (p<0.001) were also independently associated with high snacking pattern scores. A total of 1683 students across the five universities responded to the survey. Each participant gave informed consent on the first page of the web-survey. Compliance with lifestyle recommendations according to body fat (BF) classification in the population under study: students of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EHU12/24 study(Mean values and standard deviations, percentages), Table 6. Factors related to diet and lifestyles associated with an increased risk of excess body fat (BF) in the population under study: students of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EHU12/24 study(Odds ratio and 95 % confidence intervals). UK) is too high (NHS Choices 2014). [cited 2012 Mar 13]. The authors gratefully acknowledge Professor Peter Emery at Kings College London and Dr. Penelope Nestel at The University of Southampton for their assistance in administration of the survey. Gua Elika (Quantitative Study of the Consumption of Food in the Basque Country. Cookies policy. Yang, Wah Results Two-hundred sixty-eight articles were included comprising . Students with poor cooking ability were less likely to adopt healthier (vegetarian; health-conscious) diets than their more skilled counterparts. This study provides a unique insight into the dietary patterns of UK university students along with associated nutritional content. 2012;124. El AW, Stock C, John J, Deeny P, Phillips C, Snelgrove S, et al. Body Image. Students gender, age, year of study, geographical location and cooking ability were associated with differences in pattern behaviour. In terms of eating behaviours of the sample, just under two-thirds of students described themselves as regular meat-eaters, whilst approximately 10% of students identified themselves as vegetarian. Prevalence of overweight/obesity and its associated factors among university students from 22 countries Authors Karl Peltzer 1 , Supa Pengpid 2 , T Alafia Samuels 3 , Neslihan Keser zcan 4 , Carolina Mantilla 5 , Onja H Rahamefy 6 , Mee Lian Wong 7 , Alexander Gasparishvili 8 Affiliations Similarly, there is enormous heterogeneity in motives for drinking alcohol including coping, enhancement of social status, religious practice, personality type and alcohol availability [37, 38]. In future research, a cohort of students will be followed to assess what effect the university environment has on their health behaviours. These findings are relevant to future health promotion interventions and behaviour change in this important population. Available from: http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/clustering-unhealthy-behaviours-over-time. Despite that, previous validation studies indicate that the self-reported information, for example, those related to diet, is reported with sufficient accuracy for use in epidemiology analysis(Reference Vereecken, Covents and Sichert-Hellert88). College-based obesity prevention educational interventions are multi-component efforts that provide education about nutrition, physical activity, and healthy weight management; such interventions are often paired with campus environment improvements. Public Health Nutr. The sociodemographic characteristics of the sample are shown in Table1. university students when they start their university education (Ozbahar Acar, 2015). 2007;49:16976. 2005;93:92331 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16022763. Owing to these significant associations, energy-adjusted nutrient intakes were used to explore relationships with dietary patterns scores. The majority of respondents were from the University of Sheffield (n=567; 39.2%), Ulster University in Northern Ireland (n=443; 30.6%) and KCL (n=305; 21.1%). Br J Nutr. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12937-018-0398-y, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12937-018-0398-y. In Model 2 (demographic variables & food/eating related variables), female gender (p<0.001), middle age group (p=0.020), greatest self-reported cooking ability (p=0.036), least frequent consumption of pre-prepared foods (p=0.047) and lower consumption of animal products (p=0.036) were independently associated with higher vegetarian pattern scores. Eating behaviours and other eating-related characteristics of the Phase 1 sample. Mizui, Masayuki Int J Obes. However, little research has examined the magnitude of this relationship in youth with severe obesity. FFQs are not optimal for the measurement of absolute dietary intake, but the use of a dietary pattern approach permitted ranking according to food group intake and so was considered appropriate. Lennox A, Prynne C, Swan G, Roberts C, Steer T, Pell D, et al. ALSO READ: Yikes! By using this website, you agree to our Sprake, E.F., Russell, J.M., Cecil, J.E. 368-369) based on the BMI. Second, self-reports of the behaviours may be subject to social desirability bias; thus, the findings may be under or overestimated. Clin Psychol Rev. Key messages Of the different sedentary behaviour types, TV viewing is most consistently related with higher body mass index (BMI) and large waist circumference in both sexes. Targeted interventions towards these students are necessary. In particular, the prevalence of overweight/obesity among Spanish university students is about 20 % ( 10 - 12). We would also like to acknowledge Anthony Johns from Tinuviel Software for his assistance in setting up the online survey. A second GLM was then fitted, which included significant demographic variables and variables from Group 2. Although obese university students in this study perceived the barriers to healthy eating as very important or somewhat important more than non-obese students, the differences between the two groups were not significant, except for two barriers among women. Lack of sleep -another hallmark of the Western lifestyle-is also emerging as a risk factor for . Students practiced unhealthy dietary practices and lifestyle behaviors that should be targeted and modified. The aim of the study is to investigate the level of physical activity of university students. Among the postbiotics . This work was supported by grants from the UPV/EHU (EHU12/24), the Vice Rector for Innovation, Social Outreach and Cultural Activities of the UPV/EHU, funding by the contract-programme formalised with the Basque Government (code of the Campus Bizia Lab project: 17ARRO, 18ARRO and 19ARRO), the Vice Rector for Students and Employability of the UPV/EHU and Basque Government (2016); and a pre-doctoral scholarship from the Basque Language Vice-chancellor of the UPV/EHU. London: British Government; 2015. This research aimed to characterise dietary patterns of university students in the UK and their sociodemographic and lifestyle antecedents. Visit. Student Organizations; MCLub Calendar; A&S; Give to MCLLC. In Model 2, higher pattern scores were independently associated with male gender (p<0.001), regular/social smoking status (p<0.001), most frequent consumption pre-prepared foods (p=0.040), frequent consumption of ready-meals/take-aways (p<0.001), frequent breakfast skipping (p<0.001), regular consumption of animal products (p<0.001) and greater amounts of money spent on food (p<0.001). Participants who provided their contact details were entered into a prize draw; each person could win one of 40 20 high street vouchers. Childhood obesity in England 10.1% of reception age children (age 4-5) were obese in 2021/22, with a further 12.1% were overweight. Render date: 2023-03-05T02:12:19.807Z study advertisement on student volunteers webpage). This study was conducted as part of EFSs PhD project. Allman-Farinelli, Margaret No association, however, was identified between cooking ability and scores on the less healthful dietary patterns (snacking; convenience, red meat & alcohol). 2016;61:918 Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.05.006. and Mccourt HJ, Draffin CR, Woodside JV, Cardwell CR, Young IS, Hunter SJ, et al. A limited body of data indicates that the dietary behaviours of UK university students are not conducive to either short- or long-term health. General linear models (GLMs) were firstly fitted for demographic variables alone (model 1) and then with additional eating factors (model 2). The possibility of selection bias should be considered. 2022. Anthropometric and lifestyle characteristics, Alcohol consumption among university students in Ireland and the United Kingdom from 2002 to 2014: a systematic review, Systematic estimation of BMI. Scientists believe that genes may increase a person's likelihood of having obesity but that outside factors, such as an abundant food supply or little physical activity, also may be required for . Several studies suggest that prevention of obesity in the young population is crucial. Northern Ireland: Public Health England; 2014. p. 6184. University students represent a substantial proportion (50%) of the UK young adult population [1] and an individuals university career may be influential in the establishment of long-term eating patterns and thus chronic disease risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) between 2009 and 2010 more than 35 percent of adults across the U.S. and Canada were considered obese, (McGuire, 2011, pp. These patterns explained approximately one fifth of the variance in food intake. This gradient is congruent with national data, which indicates that the population of Northern Ireland consumes a diet of poorer quality than the UK as a whole [29]. British Government. Kuntsche E, Knibbe R, Gmel G, Engels R. Why do young people drink? Four principal components were retained, which explained 21.7% of the total variance in food intake. Dietary studies of British university students are constrained by crude dietary assessment, small sample size and generally focus on a single university [3, 4]. Almost one in five students spent over 40 on food each week. Existing studies allude to non-prudent consumption patterns, reporting low consumption of fruit and vegetables alongside high intakes of confectionery, alcohol, and fried, ready-made and convenience foods [2,3,4]. 2009;2:15765 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20054220. for this article. To avoid this, the majority of assessments were conducted over 2 d to ensure adequate concentration while answering the questions and to promote the participation. hasContentIssue true, This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives licence (, The Author(s), 2021. The survey comprised a validated food frequency questionnaire alongside lifestyle and sociodemographic questions. University policy to improve students diets should also incorporate efforts to promote student engagement in cooking and food preparation, and increased availability of low cost healthier food items. Finally, 45% of the current sample reported limited (or non-existent) cooking ability, being at best only able to cook a limited range of meals from raw ingredients. 6th ed. Compliance with dietary recommendations by sex in the population under study: students of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EHU12/24 study(Mean values and standard deviations, percentages), Table 3. Syka, Dimitra Total loading time: 0 If both of your parents have obesity, your likelihood of developing obesity is as high as 80%. 2007;10:20311. Aggregation of lifestyle behaviours has previously been reported in both university student and adult populations [26,27,28]. Yan, Wenjing tuacin de 0 a 10. The majority of students (n=1000; 69.1%) reported a healthy BMI (18.524.99kg/m2); mean BMI was 22.8kg/m2 (SD 4.64kg/m2). Table2 shows the factor loadings of each of the food groups in the four dietary components retained. The present study explores contextual factors affecting overweight and obesity among university students in China and, in particular, focuses on how the SES-obesity relationship varies across different . Food intake varied amongst university students. Lac A, Donaldson CD. Obesity is a critical lifestyle factor that increases the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension [ 1 ], diabetes [ 2 ], and cardiovascular disease (CVD) [ 3 ], and increases mortality [ 4 ]. The following socio-demographic information was collected: age; gender; degree programme and year of study; full/part-time study; nature of term-time residence; ethnicity; religion; socioeconomic status (SES); maternal education; and university attended. By the time they are aged 10 or 11, more than a quarter are obese,. Examination of scatter plots revealed no evidence of non-linear relationships between component scores and nutrient intakes. Previously, I held the academic positions of Dean, Head of School, Head of Department and Institutional Head of the REF, to name a (very) few roles. Fayet F, Petocz P, Samman S. Prevalence and correlates of dieting in college women: a cross sectional study. University of Sheffield Medical School Research Ethics Review, SMBRER288; University of St Andrews Teaching and Research Ethics Committee, MD11298; University of Ulster Research Ethics, 14/0096. Participation Rates in Higher Education: Academic Years 2006/20072013/2014. Richmond R . Shi, Yumeng Wrieden WL, Anderson AS, Longbottom PJ, Valentine K, Stead M, Caraher M, et al. Consequently, the prominence of the vegetarian and health-conscious dietary patterns may have been over-estimated in this study. Support and wellbeing. If they are overweight or obese, they will carry the wrong impression to the general population. Furthermore, contemporary policy to limit red meat and alcohol consumption has greatest relevance to male students. A dietary patterns approach has been used widely in various UK population groups, but has not been employed to characterise the diets of university students. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20 was used for all statistical analyses. Working class students at university, 2008/09. Just over half (55%) of students reported that they were able to cook a wide range of meals from raw ingredients, and 73% consumed self-cooked meals from raw ingredients every or most days. For each retained dietary component a GLM was fitted with demographic variables only (Group 1). The largest effects (magnitudes of ORs) were found for the variables breakfast skipping and PA level in men, and for adherence to the Mediterranean diet in women. It is possible that as students mature they become increasingly aware of the impact of dietary choices on health and well-being, and health thus becomes an increasingly important determinant of food choice. It should also be noted that all dietary studies suffer from selection bias, in which more health- or diet-aware individuals choose to participate. Information on dieting/weight loss behaviour, supplement use, cooking ability (four response options from able to cook wide range of meals from raw ingredients through to unable to cook at all), smoking status (students were asked to self-identify as a never smoker, ex-smoker, social smoker or regular smoker), self-reported physical activity levels (students were required to self-identify as not very active, moderately active or very active), body weight (kg) and height (m) (for calculation of body mass index (BMI), kg/m2), cooking behaviours (consumption of: meals made from raw ingredients; pre-prepared foods; ready meals and take-aways; and meals from university cafeteria) and weekly food expenditure () was also collected. Dietary intakes - National Diet and Nutrition Survey. This manuscript represents original work, which has not been published previously and is not being considered by another Journal. Although there is some evidence that dietary behaviours track from adolescence to adulthood [5, 6], the transition from home to university life has been associated with unfavourable changes to food intake: increases in alcohol and sugar intake, and decreases in fruit and vegetable consumption have been reported [7]. Importantly, policy makers must recognise not all students consume poor diets at university: a large group of students consumed nutritionally favourable and health-promoting diets and do not appear in need of dietary intervention. Only intake of total sugars (energy-adjusted) was strongly and negatively correlated with the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern (r=0.577; P<0.01). In the academic year Attendance at Ulster University (p<0.001) was independently associated with lower scores. Dodd LJ, Al-Nakeeb Y, Nevill A, Forshaw MJ. Food and nutrient intakes were generated directly from these FFQ data using the nutritional analysis software QBuilder (Tinuviel Software, Warrington, UK). Has data issue: true In Model 1, male gender (p<0.001), lowest leisure-time physical activity levels (p=0.032), and regular/social smoking status (p<0.001) were independently associated with higher scores on the convenience, red meat & alcohol diet pattern. Nutrition Journal Hum Nutr Appl Nutr. Details of the constituent foods comprising the 55 foods/food groups entered into the PCA. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Lancet 1996; 348: 922-925. Compliance with dietary recommendations according to body fat (BF) classification in the population under study: students of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EHU12/24 study(Mean values and standard deviations, percentages), Table 5. The decision to participate or not may have been influenced by several factors, including social, educational and health conditions, which may again correlate with outcome risk factors. This research aimed to characterise dietary patterns of university students in the UK and their sociodemographic and lifestyle antecedents. I am the Professor of Cultural Studies at Flinders University (Australia), Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA) and Director of the Popular Culture Collective. His experiences are steadily being accumulated through over 9 years of working seamlessly in the nutritional discipline at local and regional institutions. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. The federation's 2023 atlas also predicted that childhood obesity levels could more than double over the next 12 years to around 208 million boys and 175 million girls. 2022. It had high negative factor loadings for poultry, processed meat, and red meat and offal. This population also represents a group of young adults with a set of unique factors driving dietary intake: the transition to university life may be associated with increased autonomy over food choice, small food budgets, and exposure to new social groups and food cultures. Participants were required to recall their habitual diet over the most recent university semester (three months). First, recall bias inherent in a convenience sample cannot be ruled out. 1990;64:31929 Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2223737. It combines a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of their. Weight changes in young adults: a mixed-methods study. Bachelor's degree students recorded higher BMI than those at associate level. Guo SS, Huang C, Maynard LM, Demerath E, Towne B, Chumlea WC, et al. However, some students consumed poor diets, incurred greater food costs and practised unfavourable lifestyle behaviours, which may have long-term health effects. Dietary patterns of university students in the UK: a cross-sectional study, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12937-018-0398-y, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/apm/2015/639239/, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20054220, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16022763, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22407132, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.04.005, http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/clustering-unhealthy-behaviours-over-time, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2223737, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22001025, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9573452, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.05.006, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Research activity also includes future proofing dietary assessment methodologies, dietary modelling for more . We have shown that both the snacking and convenience, red meat and alcohol patterns were least nutrient-dense. Half the women born in 1946 were overweight by age 48, compared to 41 for the 1970 generation. However, students who consumed poor diets and practised unfavourable lifestyle behaviours were also identified, which may have long-term health effects. Obesity rates among children and adolescents worldwide shifted from less than 1% in 1975 to nearly 6% among girls and 8% . Nutr Rev. Zhang, Ting . Lifestyle risk factors of students: a cluster analytical approach. A p value of <0.05 was considered significant. After qualifying in 2000, have been very fortunate to work in a wide variety of specialities including acute hospital dietitian, HEN specialist, Diabetes, Obesity and Public Health. Li, Hongjuan Participants: 3,077 students from the University of Newcastle (UON), Australia (mean age 27.1 9.8 years, 69.4% . Behav. and This was demonstrated by a study of 34,000 students from 2011 to 2018. . There were also high factor loadings for fried food, pasta and rice, ready-made sauces, pizza, chips, alcoholic drinks, processed meat, red meat and offal, and eggs; there was a strong negative factor loading for low fat/low calorie yogurts. Missing data on social class for students at the University of Sheffield precluded adjustment for this possibility. On average, students reported a significant weight increase (1.53 kg+/-2.70, p<0.001), although there was considerable variation, with 55% of the sample reporting weight gain, 12% weight loss,. Aim: To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity among healthcare science college students at private university in Saudi Arabia. The health-conscious pattern had the most favourable micronutrient profile. Full details are provided in tabular form in Additional file1: Table S2). Religion was also not included due to confounding with ethnic background. All students were recruited through university email distribution lists. Despite this, there is limited progress in addressing the problem of obesity among college students. Students attending the University of Sheffield were least likely to adopt a health-conscious dietary pattern. The inactivity at different ages it is a major problem for most countries. 2022. Obesity can also cause psychological problems including low self-esteem and depression due to social stigma. Adjusted mean pattern scores by demographic and cooking/eating behaviour variables from the GLMs are provided in Table4 (Model 1) and Table5 (Model 2).