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Aside from those theories, the number 9 itself is considered lucky or special in many religions and belief systems around the world in Christianity (a "trinity of trinities"), in . I don't care who dies in a movie as long as the dog lives? Almost two-thirds of new owners are aged between 16 and 34 and 56% of new pet owners have children at home. The myth of cats having nine lives may have come from Ancient Egypt. In 1732, Thomas Fuller wrote a book called Gnomologia: Adagies And . This is a common misconception about the Islamic faith, likely because of the similar sound of the Arabic words for cat (qit) and life (qiyam). She cooks arguably the best chicken parmesan in the world, and also has impeccable taste in Bollywood music. This means that, technically, cats could live forever. This meant that it was oftenused to represent completeness or perfection. Can you go to the beach with tattoos in Japan? She spams everyone with WhatsApp photos of Milo and texts me every couple of hours about how her favourite child is doing. Cats are lucky animals because they often avoid danger. Stock photo of a cat. If youre a cat lover, I think youll enjoy this article. [5][pageneeded] Aside from protecting granaries and food stores from pests, cats were valued by the paper-based Arab-Islamic cultures for preying on mice that destroyed books. (I can relate! And why do people believe it? 2. No, cats do not actually have nine lives. Above all, they are admired for their cleanliness. Capricorn (December 22 January 19): The Capricorn cat is the true traditionalist. ExcitedCats is reader-supported. Would they think that a cats life is just like a humans life, only with more lives? If a cat makes it to 21, that would be like 100 years old in human terms. Therefore, a cats death was considered unfortunate, and elaborate funerals were often held in their honor. One New York cat is known to have survived a fall of 32 stories. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It suffered a chipped tooth and a collapsed lung and was sent home from the vet after two days. [1] Furthermore, there is a belief among some Muslims that cats seek out people who are praying. How many people are killed by cats each year. In the end, it only took a couple of weeks of telling my mother how seraphic and spiritual cats are in Islam for her to fall in love with the idea. This educational content is not veterinary advice and does not replace consultation with a qualified veterinarian. CAT CRYING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE SUPERSTITION AND 5 MORE! If youre a cat person, you know that each feline friend has their own unique personality. No one knows for sure. Cats are not immortal, just like us, they have only one life. Nine has traditionally been considered a magic number, which could also help to explain why cats are associated with nine lives. Theyre very loyal to their family and they believe in sticking to tradition. So, what is the truth? Since then she has said there is something disturbing about their piercing stare and how quickly they can dart away, vanishing into thin air. Dogs have yet to make this reputation. Their impressive jumping skills are due to the muscle mass and the length of their hind legs. As a passionate fan of everything about cats, she is is more than happy to be the editor and provide content on what she is passionate about. Dr. Lucinda Alderton-Sell, Cats Protection's Field Veterinary Officer, previously told Newsweek: "Between the ages of 3 and 6, cats are in the prime of their lives and usually at their peak of physical fitness. Are those adorable pets actually evil? I am completely satisfied, I found useful information and tips in this article, Article was somewhat helpful, but could be improved. However, the truth is that we dont really know how many lives cats have. WHY DOES MY CAT CHECK IF I AM BREATHING? However, there is no specific mention of cats having multiple lives in Islamic scripture. So, where did the idea that cats have nine lives come from? However, they are not necessarily associated with the number nine. But if the cats are ordinary cats and are not causing a nuisance, perhaps it is better to leave them alone to reproduce. Learn more. In some European folklore, there are stories of witches or supernatural beings who could transform into cats and have multiple lives. Atum-Ra was . She is just like any of my 17-year-old friends parents she is spirited, sparky, generous and can be feisty when she needs to be. The Egyptians saw their feline friends as divine creatures with supernatural powers. They were associated with the goddess Bastet, who was often depicted with the head of a cat. In truth, cats have exactly nine lives in some specific cultures. All these quality are what makes cats truly unique. 10 REMARKABLE THINGS ABOUT CATSContinue. ", Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Many Egyptian families would keep cats as pets and even feed them their food. Start by stapling the fabric to the top of the post, wrapping it around the post and stapling it to the bottom. For these reasons, I was never allowed near a dog and the idea of owning one never seriously crossed my mind. 8 Reasons for This Behavior. They love to be around their family and theyre very loyal to their loved ones. For example, dogs have belly buttons as well. Over time, this belief became a popular saying or proverb, and it has been passed down through generations in many cultures worldwide. However, do cats have abilities that make them survive many times after coming close to death? 2023 Cliverse Media Ltd. Be the first to get our latest updates, insider videos, cat health resources, and more. Do Muslims smoke? For example, you may notice when yourcat is purringor rubbing against your leg, and you may appreciate their presence more. However, while they are indeed quite resilient, it is not true that they can survive any fall or injury. Regardless of its origins, the belief that cats have nine lives is widespread. When a saying gets to be over 400 years old, it's usually very difficult to track its exact origin. Another benefit is that it can help people be more mindful of their lives. As any cat parent can tell you, all you have to do is observe a cat's ability to leap, twist and land on their feet to see why this myth is a lasting legend. Unfortunately, cats do not have 9 lives, but science has uncovered some fascinating facts about cats and their relationship to a danger that might explain why this myth has persisted for so long. Most notably, the goddess Bastet's ability to change from human to cat and back again may have promoted the idea that cats have multiple lives because she kept appearing and reappearing. 3. According to statistics from the Pet Food Manufacturers Association, there are now 34m pets in the UK including 12m cats and 12m dogs, along with 3.2m small mammals, such as guinea pigs and hamsters, 3m birds and 1.5m reptiles. Christine Brovelli-O'Brien, Ph.D., is a writer, STEAM educator, and long-time cat mom. While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that cats have six lives, there are some interesting theories about why this belief exists. Across the U.S. there are almost 60 million pet cats, with around one in four households having a feline companion. Instead, these glands are located on their paw pads and their noses, which means sweat isn't a major contribution to a dog's bad smell. Cats who sleep in this position are usually very independent and self-sufficient. Or would they think that a cats life is more like a game, where they can use up one of their lives and then start over again? Learn how to build an easy, homemade DIY cat scratching post using items around your house! No, cats do not have nine lives in Islam. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. They say that nine is "the trinity of trinities" and believe that cats most definitely have multiple lives. I love their intelligence, inquisitiveness and how unassailable they seem. Here Are 9 Secret Reasons Why Cats Really Have 9 Lives. For example, the numbernine is often considered the final number in a set of ten. here are a few proverbs and sayings related to the belief that cats have nine lives: Its worth noting that while these proverbs and sayings are often used in popular culture, they are not based on any factual evidence, and cats only have one life, just like any other animal. There is also an ancient proverb that claims, A cat has nine lives. In other countries and cultures, the number of lives a cat is said to have differs. Do cats really have 9 lives? Some people believe, Read More CAT CRYING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE SUPERSTITION AND 5 MORE!Continue, Can cats sense bad energy? Keeping dogs for hunting, protecting livestock and guarding crops is allowed. Many superstitions and fantastic stories from many centuries ago surround cats. This is likely due in part to the health problems that can arise from inbreeding. Theres no right or wrong answer to this question, but its something to think about. The details are murky surrounding the origin of the nine lives myth. [1] Furthermore, there is a belief among some Muslims that cats seek out people who are praying.[6]. They have sharp claws and teeth which help them to defend themselves, and they are also very good at landing on their feet when they fall. complete answer on, View Hurry up, or I'll smack you on the ears with my sword before you have yours drawn. Hill's Pet, How to Make Your Own DIY Cat Scratching Post, Removing Foul Smelling Cat Odors From Your Home, How One Cat Lover's Feline Craziness Shines Through. So much so, that one of Prophet Muhammads companions was known as Abu Hurairah (Father of the Kittens) for his attachment to cats. All this fascination with cats goes way back about 12,000 years ago. According to a myth in many cultures, cats have multiple lives. What You Need to Know. That's because they were born via eggs or some other mode to incubate the baby other than a placenta. The origins of the nine lives myth are unclear, but it is thought to date back to ancient Egypt, where cats were revered as gods. They are thought to be ritually clean, and are thus allowed to enter homes[1] and even mosques, including Masjid al-Haram. Im not sure. This period covers age 24-40 in human years.". However, it is undeniable that cats are fascinating creatures, and their popularity as pets means that they are likely to continue to be a source of fascination and mystery for years to come. So, what does your cats zodiac sign say about their personality? She comes back from shopping weighed down with presents and toys for him. Since ancient times, people have observed cats surviving the most incredible falls and getting through incredible life-threatening situations. This information should not be substituted for a professional veterinary consultation. Admired for their cleanliness, cats are considered "the quintessential pet" by Muslims. complete answer on, View For thousands of years, people have been captivated by cats. One of the superstitions is about cats crying outside the house at night. Why do they say cats have nine lives? Shed always found them evil and scary, but when I wanted a cat in lockdown I appealed to my mums faith. Here are the benefits of cats in Islam: 1. While cats are often known for their agility and ability to escape danger, they are still vulnerable to injury and death like any other animal. WHY, ADVICE AND REMEDIES. Image Credit: Ivanova N, Shutterstock Egyptian Gods The number nine may originate from ancient Egypt. (Click to sign up>> Cats have an infinite number of lives, but they dont always live to a ripe old age. The ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet was depicted as half cat and half woman. Youve made your very own DIY cat scratching post. Finally, some people believe thatcats can see ghostsand other spirits. He suddenly sneaks on you while you sleep and starts checking whether you are breathing. Partly it was based on watching a scary video about a cat in her childhood. Why does my dog act like a cat but I don't have a cat? However, cats are known for their agility and dexterity, which may explain how they are often able to survive falls and other accidents that would be fatal for other animals. 1. ARE THERE ANY BENEFITS TO BELIEVING THAT CATS HAVE 9 SOULS? Of all the cat myths and misconceptions out there, one of the most persistent is that cats have lives to spare. Another theory is that the belief originated with the medieval belief in witches and their ability to transform themselves into cats. In Hinduism, nine is considered a complete and divine number. The answer is still unclear. Next, its time to put your post together. However, there is no denying that cats are amazing creatures that have the ability to heal quickly and survive falls from great heights. How many lives do cats have? Its even permissible to eat from the same bowl that a cat has eaten from. I love cats with a passion. Historians have traced the importance of cats and the significance of the number nine to the ancient Egyptians, who considered cats sacred. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dorkycats_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',167,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dorkycats_com-leader-1-0');This is based on the fact that the word forcat (Neko)is pronounced the same as the word forluck (Neko). Is it true, or is it just fiction? Above all, they are admired for their cleanliness. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that your cat lives a long and happy lifeno matter how many times they may have narrowly escaped danger. The belief that cats have nine lives is simply a myth or superstition passed down through generations. These are just a few of the reasons why scientists are exploring. All fields are required. In certain regions of Spain it is believed that cats have seven lives, for example. We may never know the exact origin of the myth. You may think your cat has 9 lives. Earlier this year, researchers announced the discovery of what they believe to be the world's oldest pet cemetery, with nearly 600 cats and dogs at one single Ancient Egyptian site. In fact, the number of lives a cat has varies depending on the culture. Another theory is that the seven lives myth is actually a reference to a cats ability to survive falls from great heights. The number nine holds significance in numerology, especially due to its composition of three groups of three, like the structure of the English proverb. ), temperature, interoreceptors (e.g. One theory is that the belief originated from Ancient Egypt, where cats were revered as gods. But we are going to follow the ancient Egyptians and say our cats have 9. Now its time to add the carpet or fabric. Theyre also very passionate and they can be quite stubborn. Your email address will not be published. As he began to dress he discovered that Muezza was sleeping on the sleeve of his prayer robe. Unfortunately, cats do not have 9 lives, but science has uncovered some fascinating facts about cats and their relationship to a danger that might explain why this myth has persisted . If you have observed a cat falling, you may have seen that they open its paws apart, forming a sort of parachute. The content presented on this site is meant for informational purposes only. Next, wrap the sisal rope around the post, stapling it to the wood as you go. How exactly would people think cats had 6, 7, or 9 lives? InAncient Egypt,cats were considered to be sacred animals. Cats Are Modern Day Ninjas. The article, written by one of the shelters volunteers, is called How One Cat Lovers Feline Craziness Shines Through. Its a great read for anyone who loves cats, and its also a good reminder that even the most dedicated cat people have their moments of feline-induced craziness. Cat meaning and symbolism includes elegance, curiosity, independence, protection, magic, and other notable qualities. Rather than wake her, he used a pair of scissors to cut the sleeve off, leaving the cat undisturbed. In addition, domestic dogs tend to live shorter lives than wolves. DO CATS BITE THEIR NAILS? What we do know, notes Science magazine, is that the fascination with cats dates way back to about 12,000 years ago in the homes and places of worship of the ancient Egyptians. First, youll need to gather your supplies. He then smiled and gently stroked his beloved cat three times, giving all cats the ability to land squarely on their feet. One theory is that cats are very agile and can survive falls from high places, which might have led people to believe they have multiple lives. Cats can twist their bodies mid-air and land on their feet, thanks to their flexible spine and inner ear. complete answer on The site is also monetized with affiliate programs from LinkShare, CJ, ShareASale, and other networks, at no additional cost to you. Should you swerve to avoid hitting an animal? Cats Belong To A Very Special Family They Have The Power Of Lions, Tigers, And Cheetahs In Their Soul. A version of each of us lives in the minds of other people - from a person who briefly sees us out on the street, to our closest loves ones who know us for decades, and everyone in between. Some people believe that cats have multiple lives, while others believe that they only have one. Some people believe that dogs have one life, while others believe that they have multiple lives. Do Cats Have 9 Lives In Islam? The origin of this saying is not entirely clear, but there are a few theories. 8 Reasons for This Behavior, Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? Why don't cats and dogs have belly buttons? Dedicated cat lovers are so proud of the relationship they have with their cats, they embrace the term "crazy cat owners" with open arms. My first attempt to persuade her failed, in the end my mothers fears won out. In this way, they can slow down the fall. The belief that cats have multiple lives dates back thousands of years to Ancient Egypt, where cats were revered as gods. Contrary to popular belief, cats only have one life. And just like our own personalities, these traits can be linked to astrology. In ancient Egypt, cats were revered and considered to be sacred animals. In many countries such as Germany, Spain and Turkey, the Common Belief is that cats actually have 7 lives. Do cats have nine lives or seven based on popular belief? Theyre also very intelligent and theyre always up for a challenge. So, do cats really have seven lives? Cats have nine lives, according to popular belief. This is a question that I get asked a lot, and to be honest, Im not entirely sure what the answer is. And more importantly, is there any truth to it? Therefore, it makes sense that they would have seven lives. Also lending credence to this myth is that falling cats often land on their feet, using an instinctiverighting reflexto twist their bodies around. Haddon said: "Cats are small animals that can be preyed upon by bigger ones such as wolves, dogs, coyotes, large constrictor snakes, leopards etc. Some cultures see them as lucky animals that bring good fortune. The answer may surprise you. Cats are some of the most popular pets in the world, after all. The ancient Egyptians believed these animals were sacred and divine beings with supernatural powers. This is a common misconception about the Islamic faith, likely because of the similar sound of the Arabic words for "cat" (qit) and "life" (qiyam). Mothers being mothers, she also spoke to lots of different Muslims about their cats, and eventually, her fears melted away. At first she was fearful and dubious around him, but gradually she got to know him. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Nine is also symbolic in Islamic, Greek and Roman Catholic cultures, to name a few. Cats have long been considered to be lucky animals, and in many cultures, they are thought to have seven lives. [6] They say that nine is the trinity of trinities and believe that cats most definitely have multiple lives. Featured Image Credit: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock. "Well I only have 7 left and I'm not flexible I'm a fat tub of lard now shut the fuck up so i can get back to my nap" - my cat 2020. Even our beloved Prophet (SAW) had a cat on his own, named Muezza, proving cats to be a special animal in Islam. I have trained dogs ranging from standard poodles to golden retrievers to border collies and now the passion of my life is working with aggressive dogs with behavioral issues in order to help them be more confident, calm and easygoing dogs who are well-behaved in their own homes. Well, shes not wrong. Learn how getting rid of cat odors in carpets and fabrics is key to getting your house to smell fresh and clean. The medieval Egyptian zoologist Al-Damiri (13441405) wrote that the first cat was created when God caused a lion to sneeze, after animals on Noah's Ark complained of mice. Read More WHY DOES MY CAT CHECK IF I AM BREATHING? Dominican Republic - Repblica Dominicana, Greater China - Hong Kong SAR (English), Do Cats Really Have Nine Lives? Preparing to attend prayer, he began to dress himself; however, he soon discovered his cat Muezza sleeping on the sleeve of his prayer robe. They are confident and secure in their surroundings. As humans farmed and stored food, they attracted common prey for cats, such as mice and rats. Aquarius (January 20 February 18): The Aquarius cat is the true independent. BOTTOM LINEContinue, How to know if your cat sees a ghost? Required fields are marked *. Meanwhile, some Turkish and Arabic legends say cats have six lives. There are feral cats all over the world. Lets look at the science behind cats legendary nine lives and find out if theres any truth to it! Whether or not they have nine lives is still a mystery. Yet as a nation, we compare cats unfairly to dogs. "All this adds up to an amazing survivorship. And if youre not a cat lover, well, maybe it will help you understand us a little better! Even going way back to the 1st century when they were thrown from towers, cats have had a habit of cheating death. As a result, the number 9 was often seen as having great significance in Greek Mythology. So, while we dont know for sure if cats really do have nine lives, they certainly have a reputation for being able to cheat death in some pretty amazing ways. CAN THE BELIEF IN CATS HAVING 9 SOULS CHANGE THE WAY WE SEE THEM? Is It Scientifically Proven That Cats Have Nine Lives? One theory is that the number nine is considered to be a lucky number in many cultures. [1], Wilfred Thesiger, in his book The Marsh Arabs, notes that cats were allowed free entry to community buildings in villages in the Mesopotamian Marshes, and even fed. This is a balance reflex that allows them to orientate themselves as they fall in order to land on their feet. History has it that nine is a magical number and this could be the reason why nine was the most appropriate to associate to cats. When they reach old age, they need more rest and tend to live at a slower pace of life. Some people believe the nine lives myth is related to cats' ability to always land on their feet. This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and there is still no clear answer. The latter is due to them not having a tight collarbone. Within weeks of Milo moving in with us, my mothers attitude changed and now after three months, she has fully adopted him as her fifth child. This position is often seen in younger cats who are full of energy. Despite their work as mousers, cats retained their air of mystique. Cats cant die and come back right after. went out and did some research to find what makes cats super survivors. What do dog groomers use to make dogs smell so good? Another story is, upon returning from the mosque, Muhammad received a bow from Muezza. As a result, you may take fewer things for granted and be more present in your life. 7+ REVEALING SIGNS, CAN A CAT BE EVIL? It is thought the departure from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a farming one was beneficial to these ancient cats. In my culture, theyre viewed as dirty and if I had even stroked one, I would have to shower. She also talks about how shes had to learn to be more patient with her cats, and how shes come to appreciate the quirks that make each of them unique. In many countries, they are believed to have nine lives, but in Italy, Germany, Greece, Brazil, and some Spanish-speaking regions, they are said to have seven lives, while in Turkish and Arabic traditions, the number of lives is six. As soon as she wakes up, she runs down the stairs to kiss him in the morning. Save my name & email in this browser for the next Ancient Origins of a Cat's Nine Lives The proverb that started it all states: "A cat has nine lives. Truth be said, a cat is a unique animal, he can jump from the top of a two-storey building and land safely, look at you and walk away just as if he jumped from a sofa. Cats are creatures of habit and their favorite sleeping position often reflects their unique personality. Ancient Egyptian Gods Horus and Atum. This means that when he jumps or accidentally falls from high places, he is able to twist his body around so as to land right on his feet. In Japan, cats are also seen as lucky creatures. is a question that has long perplexed cat lovers and scientists alike. Another belief about cats is that they have spiritual powers and can bring good luck. is monetized through the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees. The same is true in some Asian cultures. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS BEHIND THE 9 LIVES OF CATS? FRIGHTENING?Continue, Your email address will not be published. Do cats have 9 lives in Islam? Cats can be evil at times. At Excited Cats, we regularly consult with licensed veterinarians and other industry experts. Even before wild cats became domesticated, ancient cultures believed in the cat spirit animal. Libra (September 23 October 22): The Libra cat is the true diplomat.